Kluwer Arbitration Blog
Central to the general public’s opposition to ISDS is the concept of legitimate expectations.
The Economic Times
Seeking closer ties with India, China suggested a Free Trade Agreement to comprehensively boost relations between the two Asian giants.
Argentina Better Without an FTA
Let’s build commercial relations that serve peoples’ interests and protect the environment! In 2017, let’s bring the ‘battle in Seattle’ to Buenos Aires!
The Jakarta Post
The current trade and business environment in East Asia and Pacific require a new set of rules to provide governance in the regional economic interdependence and to facilitate seamless international trade and business activities.
Third World Network
Negotiations by 16 Asia-Pacific nations to establish the RCEP - the world’s largest trading bloc - have been proceeding since 2012. Surveying the negotiations, Biswajit Dhar argues that this ASEAN-led initiative can constitute the building block for a truly viable East Asian Community provided the parties break out from the straitjacket of trade liberalisation.
Financial Express
The pace of implementation of Indo-Japan free trade agreement needs to be further enhanced in order to exploit the huge potential of the pact, Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said.
Foreign Affaires
If he is serious about keeping free trade alive, then the best place for Trump to start would be with Japan, argues Michael Auslin
Kluwer Arbitration Blog
In the landscape of international investment arbitration the allegations of corruption have become more and more common.
The Manila Times
Both parties are now “undertaking their respective domestic processes for the ratification and entry into force of the agreement.