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Third round of talks on ETCA to be held on Jan. 4 and 5
Negotiations have become tougher and tougher as both sides are keen on clinching a good deal without unrealistic compromises.
Trump moves: The face of economic and political uncertainty in Asia
States such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines, which used to lean toward the United States (US), may now be seeking to find more favor with the Chinese.
Venezuelan assesses ICSID’s decision over Tenaris-Talta case
The Venezuelan Solicitor General’s Office (PGR) said that a request has been analyzed to overturn the arbitrary award issued by the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (Icsid)
Peru’s trade agreement with Honduras takes effect in 2017
The negotiations broke off in June 2011 and the two countries signer the agreement in Lima in May 2015.
Launching FTA talks with a number of countries approved by EAEU
The Presidents of Armenia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kirgizstan have approved the proposal to launch FTA talks with Iran, Egypt, India and Singapore.
Government ‘more open’ to RCEP trade pact: Dominguez
The Duterte administration will look closely at the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), given its new policy of moving the country swiftly towards economic integration with its fellow-members in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Trump could face long path to US-UK trade deal
Talks between the United States and the United Kingdom on a potential trade deal could be President-elect Donald Trump’s crash course in the often painstakingly slow world of international negotiations.
More FTA deals in 2017
China plans to seal free trade agreements with 40 percent of the countries and regions along the Belt and Road Initiative in 2017
India-EFTA trade deal talks to be held in January
The trade pact talks had started in October 2008. So far, 14 rounds of negotiations have been held at the level of chief negotiators.
Venezuela loses annulment of Tidewater expropriation ICSID award
The annulment committee formed by the World Bank’s ICSID has ruled that Venezuela must pay oil services company Tidewater $37 million for the expropriation of its ships and rigs in 2009.
West Africa’s losses of customs revenues with the WA EPA or interim EPAs
The conclusion is clear-cut: Ghana and Ivory Coast should have no interest whatsoever to implement the interim EPAs already ratified but should pressure the EU to request a new WTO waiver or to grant them the status of GSP +.
The absurd ratification of Ivory Coast’s interim EPA
The Ivorian Parliament has shot itself in the foot, following the government which gave in to the strong pressures of international agribusiness firms, particularly French, rather than listening to the warnings of civil society.
Ghana’s absurd ratification of the interim EPA
The Ghanaian Parliament did not realize that it was shooting itself in the foot, following the Government which preferred to give in to the powerful pressures of international agribusinesses rather than to hear the warnings of the whole range of Ghanaian civil society.
The impact of Brexit, the regional EPA and interim EPAs of Ivory Coast and Ghana on Senegal and West Africa
The Economic Partnership Agreement of West Africa was initialled in Ouagadougou on June 30, 2014 by the Chief negotiators but to date Nigeria, the Gambia and Mauritania have not formally signed it.
Trade deals can have adverse impact on access to generic medicines
Interview with Dr Peter Ghys, interim director, strategic information and evaluation, UNAIDS
The German Constitutional Court judgment in the Vattenfall case: lessons for the ECT Vattenfall arbitral tribunal
This dispute and final judgment provide some valuable lessons for the arbitral tribunal in the ECT Vattenfall dispute.
The year 2016 for India – of new beginnings and not-so-happy endings?
While India has been reshaping its arbitration laws and investment climate, the jury is still out on whether these measures will actually help create a more secure legal environment for investors.
India likely to host key RCEP meeting in July
India is expected to host in July next year the negotiations for mega trade deal RCEP which aims at liberalising norms for trade in goods and services and boost investment among 16-member countries.