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Malaysia, Sri Lanka to explore possibility of initiating FTA
Malaysia and Sri Lanka have agreed to explore the possibility of initiating the Malaysia-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement in efforts to promote trade between the two countries.
Pakistan favours multilateral dispute resolution
Pakistan favours the resolution of trade disputes through established multilateral settlement systems instead of ad-hoc tribunals, an official said.
The challenges of negotiating a post-Brexit FTA with the EU
While an UK-EU free trade agreement may seem the best way forward, the scope of a comprehensive agreement along with the time and capacity needed to conclude it makes that a difficult sell.
Let us not sacrifice human rights for commercial interests
Opinion on international trade and investment agreements : « Let us not sacrifice human rights for commercial interests - The example of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the European Union and Canada (CETA) »
EFTA states, Colombia to improve free trade deal
Colombia and the member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) have discussed making improvements to their bilateral free trade agreement.
Japan, EU in talks seeking free-trade deal by year-end
Japan and the European Union are holding last-ditch talks to try reach a broad free trade agreement by the end of the year (2016), Japanese government officials said.
RCEP: Impasse at Indonesia talks may put more pressure on India
Round in Indonesia fails to generate breakthrough in final numbers
Report: Lobbyists heavily influencing TiSA negotiations
Businesses are exerting massive pressure on the Trade in Services Agreement negotiations and the European Commission is all too willing to listen
EU pushes for Dutch deal on Ukraine to fend off Russia
European Union leaders expressed confidence that they would clinch an agreement that addresses Dutch concerns over a deal establishing closer ties with Ukraine, mindful that any failure to do so would hand a victory to Russia.
Winning arbitration case
The Indonesian government should stick to its policy of removing the investor-state dispute-settlement (ISDS) mechanism from its bilateral investment or trade treaties.
Five ways the Trade in Services Agreement threatens public health and environment
TiSA is the brainchild of Wall Street banks that want to stop new financial regulations and begin rolling back the relatively mild safeguards adopted after the 2007 financial crisis.
Venezuela ordered to pay steelmaker Tenaris $162 million for takeover
A World Bank tribunal ordered Venezuela to pay steelmaker Tenaris SA $162 million for expropriating two investments in the country
EU, Canada to launch investor protection court proposal
The European Union and Canada will launch a proposal for a new global investment court system for settlements of disputes between states and foreign investors over discriminatory treatment.
FTA talks with EU expected in early 2017
The Second round of talks for a free trade agreement between the European Union and the Philippines has been moved to early next year, delayed by “logistical” concerns.
Primer on EPAs
Under the EPAs, African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries will implement commitments way beyond what they already have agreed to in the WTO.
Donald Trump’s vow to end TPP affects India’s trade talks
The members common to two agreements (TPP and RCEP), especially developed countries such as Australia, Japan and New Zealand, want talks at the RCEP trade bloc to move ahead full steam
Don’t cry over dead trade agreements
If we can manage our own economies well, new trade pacts will become largely redundant.
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, intellectual property protection and access to medicines
This paper identifies TRIPS-Plus provisions in leaked RCEP negotiating texts and examines their implications for low and middle-income countries.
Post-Brexit dreams of empire: arms, free trade and corporate conquest
A new era of corporate ’free trade’ colonialism looms, spearheaded by aid spending, with ramped-up arms exports to the world’s most corrupt and repressive regimes
China refuses to give Pakistan more concessions on FTA
Official says Pakistan wanted deeper market access for 35 to 40 tariff lines.