The Jakarta Post
As trade negotiators from 16 countries gather in Indonesia to deliberate the terms of trade agreement — the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement (RCEP), access to low-cost generic medicines is under grave threat.
Déclaration de Namur
The heated debates generated in Europe by the signature of the CETA have revealed that the way the EU negotiates international economic and trade agreements as well as their content are challenged by an increasingly large segment of public opinion.
Médecins Sans Frontières
International medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), along with other health groups, reiterated concerns about harmful intellectual property provisions in the proposed agreement that would increase market monopolies for pharmaceutical corporations and delay or block access to affordable generic medicines.
Colombo Gazette
Senior officials of India and Sri Lanka will meet to discuss broadening of the existing trade deal by including services and investments.
Friends of the Earth International
The current trade and investment system—including TTIP, TPP and TiSA—needs to be challenged and fundamentally transformed in order to achieve a more just and sustainable world.
European Commission
The European Parliament voted, with a 375-220 majority, to give its consent to the interim Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Ghana.