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Next round of RCEP negotiations in Jakarta from Dec 5
The single-tier system of duty relaxation under the proposed mega trade deal RCEP will be the central issue under discussion at the next round of negotiations of 16 countries, including India and China, in Jakarta from December 5.
EU, RI look to negotiate CEPA points
Indonesia will seek a win-win outcome for the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with the European Union, having exchanged views on a number of crucial sticking points ahead of the next round of negotiations in January.
Moldova added to Turkey’s roster of free trade deals
Turkey now boasts free trade pacts with 19 countries and blocs, with more coming in the pipeline.
Paris Court of Appeals confirms two arbitral awards ordering Ukraine to pay $112 million, plus interest, to Tatneft
The Paris Court of Appeals confirmed the validity and enforceability of both awards.
Singapore, Myanmar to start talks on investment treaty
Singapore and Myanmar will begin talks on a bilateral investment treaty.
Farming group warns Mercosur deal threatens EU beef industry
An event in the European Parliament has warned politicians of the negative impact a trade deal with Latin America could have on domestic EU beef producers.
Les Wallons ont-ils été grugés sur le Ceta et par qui?
La crise du mois d’octobre dernier était peut-être inutile.
Korea willing to listen to US on improving free trade
Korea is willing to be more "flexible and complementary" by further hearing out the U.S.’ suggestions on their bilateral free trade, says Minister of Trade.
The ’Canadian model’: why Ceta isn’t a blueprint for Brexit
Aide’s ‘cake and eat it’ note praised the recent trade Canada-EU trade deal but there are few similarities with the UK.
Treaties committee endorses TPP trade pact
The treaties committee has recommended Australia ratify the controversial regional trade deal, even though it might not go ahead.
EU Executive to step up efforts to set up international investment dispute settlement system
The European Commission wants to give a strong push within the EU and around the globe for the establishment of a multilateral investment dispute settlement system.
Civil society open letter to governments in the 16 RCEP countries
This is an urgent call by 316 civil society organisations from across the Asian and Pacific countries negotiating the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership to reject TPP rules in the RCEP
Indonesia, EU launch first talks under new partnership agreement
Both partners also progressed in negotiations on the Indonesia-EU Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).
Some trade deals on hold after Trump’s election, but danger lurks in the lesser-known Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA)
Fair Traders who are celebrating the defeat of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) may see their hard work undone if the talks towards the proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) continue under a Trump administration
Court orders release of all S. Korea-US free trade agreement negotiation documents
Trade Ministry had argued that documents must not be released to protect South Korea’s future negotiations
Eurasian Economic Union considering Thailand’s free trade zone application
The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is considering Thailand’s application for a free trade zone agreement, and suggests that a new document - memorandum of understanding - should be signed between the sides.
Taiwan urges European Union to sign bilateral investment accord
Taiwan has urged the European Union (EU) to sign a bilateral investment agreement as soon as possible in order to create a better investment climate for businesses.
EU asks India not to scrap bilateral investment treaties with member states
The EU terms India’s move ’unilateral’, says lack of investor protection might stop European investments to India.
Analysis of the TiSA “annex on transparency”
Better and more comprehensive transparency – these are core demands of civil society organizations in the debate surrounding free trade agreements.