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Government reviews tariff liberalization commitment to RCEP
The government of Philippines is reviewing its tariff liberalization commitments to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
TISA plurilateral accord by year end?
Trade envoys of the United States, the European Union, and Australia among others decided to accelerate negotiations towards a plurilateral deal called the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) by the end of this year.
Mercosur deal could cost EU farmers €7.8bn
A Mercosur trade deal between the European Union and South America could inflict losses of €7.8bn on farmers in the EU’s 28 member states, according to the Irish Farmers’ Association.
RCEP negotiations: India likely to take a more aggressive stand
Commerce ministry estimates that signing the agreement will lead to a revenue loss of as much as 1.6% of gross domestic product
Indonesia-EU free trade talks take big step forward
Indonesia and the European Union are one step closer to realising a free trade agreement after talks to discuss the scope of documents outlining the items they want to include in the negotiations.
Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems
Where neoliberal policies cannot be imposed domestically, they are imposed internationally, through trade treaties.
Lawmakers pushing financial regs in TTIP
Fifteen House members emphasized to President Barack Obama that they want to see TTIP cover financial services regulations.
Colombia: there’s no place for clean water under ’free trade’
The latest country to be hooked under ’free trade’ agreements is Colombia sued for tens of billions of dollars for valuing its national parks and the high-altitude Andean wetlands that provide 70% of the nation’s water above the profits of foreign corporations.
Canadian miners face uphill battle to collect on arbitration wins
Crystallex International Corp. completed the easy part: It won an arbitration award against Venezuela worth nearly US$1.4 billion. Now comes the hard part: actually collecting that money.
Perth public forum: TPP & RCEP trade deals
A round of negotiations towards the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) will take place in Perth at the end of April, and the TPP is under review by a parliamentary committee. AFTINET and UnionsWA invite to attend a public forum on the TPP and RCEP, Thursday the 28th of April, 2016.
RCEP: Round twelve and beyond. call for coordinated action in Asia Pacific by Forum against FTAs
Forum against FTAs (India) is calling for action against the next round of negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) amongst 16 Asian countries, that will be held as a five-day meeting in Perth, Australia starting from April 22, 2016.
The future of Europe lies in preserving its agricultural and other key sectors
Europe has all the assets needed to build a solid future for itself. However, to do so, it must take steps to defend and promote them.
Obama’s economic omens in Argentina
Obama’s visit to our country has left behind a host of controversies. Set out below, are the omens he made on economic affairs.
The TPP: A huge boulder welded to the US elections.
The US presidential electoral campaign is the most important political process of the year. It takes place amid a crisis which is clearly economic in nature but which has also been transformed into a crisis that is all too clearly about the traditional political party system.
TPP: Integration or finance and profit?
The last ten years have left in our America important elements for reflecting on continental integration, and respecting the recent agreement of the Transpacific Economic Partnership (TPP), which has 12 state parties.
Obedience: Hereafter, the US will have the final word on European laws!
Freedom – it is the ability to collectively choose our destiny. Liberty, by definition, can only be conceived and expressed within a framework that respects sovereignty.
Peru – The TPP quandary and access to medicines
Signing the TPP has provoked a debate on whether, when it comes into force, there will be a potential spike in medicines prices.
Costa Rica’s request to terminate Infinito Gold’s ICSID claim: brief reflections
On 24 July 2015, Costa Rica requested the termination of the arbitral proceedings that the Canadian Mining company, Infinito Gold filed with the Centre for the Settlement of Disputes between Foreign Investors and States.
The TTIP: serious consequences for public health
Private arbitral tribunals will be able to impose multi-million fines on States whose parliaments have dared to legislate without taking into account corporate expectations.
We oppose the negotiations of the EU-Mercosur FTA going forward
We, ATTAC Argentina, members of the CADTM – AYNA network, express our opposition to the negotiations, recently relaunched by the Mauricio Macri government, to sign a Free Trade Treaty (FTA) between the countries of Mercosur and the European Union.