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Ghana to sign interim EPA with EU
Dr. Ekwow Spio Garbrah, the Minister of Trade and Industry, has revealed the cabinet’s intention to sign the interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union.
KazMunayGas companies issue notice of investment dispute to the Government of Romania
The arbitration dispute concerns the treatment applied by the Romanian authorities to the investments performed by KMG and KMGI in their Romanian subsidiaries.
TTIP: The most dangerous weapon in the hands of the fossil fuel industry
The elephant in the room is here and it is huge: the word "climate" means something totally different in the TTIP papers.
Govt approves signing of India-Cambodia investment treaty
The Cabinet approved signing of the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) with Cambodia, the first agreement to be inked on the basis of the model BIT text.
Farmers are most worried about the ramifications of TTIP
Farmers, more than any other socio-economic group, are most worried about the impact of world trade deals such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
TDM Call for Papers Special Issue on "Non-Legal Adjudicators in National and International Disputes"
This TDM special issue will analyse the current scenario, as well as new trends, developments, and challenges that non-legal adjudicators face when resolving national and international disputes.
Thousands of industrial jobs for the chop if Ghana signs EPA
The agreement enjoins member states to open up 70 percent of their markets to European goods over a period, prompting fears nascent companies may collapse since most European goods are of high quality and a lot cheaper than local goods.
Signing of the EAC-EU EPA: Tanzania refusal letter
By the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Eastern African Cooperation, United Republic of Tanzania
Public wants referendum on TTIP - poll
The vast majority of Irish people want a referendum on the proposed US-EU free trade deal if it looks like it could become law, a survey suggests.
Peru ratifies FTA with Honduras
Peru ratified its free trade agreement (FTA) with Honduras on July 24, 2016, according to a statement from Peru’s Ministry of Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR).
Trans-Pacific Partnership provisions ’questionable’, says Productivity Commission
Commission casts doubt on copyright and investor state dispute settlement clauses in trade and assistance review
India has lost international arbitration case, says Devas
India has lost its arbitration case in an international tribunal against the Bengaluru-based Devas Multimedia Private Ltd. for cancelling the space/satellite contract with the government-owned Antrix Corporation.
RCEP faces services logjam; India pushes for liberalized visa regime
Other nations in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) refuse to budge on Indian push for liberalized visa regime for movement of professionals
Written opinion on RCEP to South Korean Government and request for a face-to-face meeting and public hearings
The Korean negotiators failed to abide by the free and fair trade principle and negotiate RCEP in a way that violates treaties on trade and the generally accepted international laws and regulations.
RCEP - trade in services chapter: proposal for a ratchet (August 2015)
1 page proposal by Australia, Korea & New Zealand as of 4 August 2015.
RCEP - trade in services chapter: summary of 9th round of negotiations (August 2015)
Minutes of services chapter negotiations at the 9th RCEP negotiating round (August 2015)
RCEP - trade in services chapter: positions on value-add elements (August 2015)
ASEAN versus other RCEP country positions on value-add elements in RCEP services chapter
RCEP - trade in services chapter negotiating text (August 2015)
RCEP services chapter consolidated negotiating text as of 5 August 2015.