Peru this Week
“We hope that after the decision, the State will concentrated its efforts to provide a sustainable solution to the environmental pollution in the city La Oroya.”
Financial Express
India should work closely with BIMSTEC, a seven-nation grouping, to conclude trade negotiations and attempt early operationalising of the Bay of Bengal free trade agreement to give a big push to trade in the region, industry body Assocham said.
Financial Express
US ambassador to India Richard Verma recently said ‘things have become a bit more difficult’ after India revised the BIT text
Vietnamnet Bridge
A delegation of 30 European pharmaceutical firms in the environment and water sectors paid a working visit to Ho Chi Minh City to research the market and explore opportunities.
The Costarican Times
The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Costa Rica and Colombia will become effective this August 1.
Myanmar Times
An industrial policy to bring Myanmar into the 21st century will be presented to parliament, with the aim of updating the law to equip the country to better compete in the ASEAN Economic Community.
TDM Call for Papers Time and Cost Issues in International Arbitration
This Special Issue focus on a subject that is central to the concerns of arbitration users, many of whom perceive arbitration proceedings as being too expensive and lengthy.
Todd N. Tucker (blog)
All in all, a pretty good decision—although its limitations should be acknowledged.
Viet Nam News
The Vietnamese Government should bar certain industries from exploiting the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) lest they damage public health, health activists warned.