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TDM Call for Papers Special Issue on The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
TDM Call for papers for a special issue on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). The TPP between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam is one of three mega-regional agreements that will change the landscape of the international economic order in the coming years.
Remodeling India’s investment treaty regime (II)
As part of ongoing initiatives towards restructuring its bilateral investment treaty regime, Indii aims to minimize the possibility of arbitral tribunals interpreting the treaty provisions vastly different from what the contracting parties originally had in mind.
East Africa: Why cautionary approach to EPA’s deal is important
Signing this pact at the moment would expose young EAC countries to harsh economic conditions in post-Brexit Europe
Thailand presses for free trade agreement with India
Thailand is encouraging India to wrap up a bilateral free trade agreement covering services, goods and investment after more than ten years of negotiations.
TPP, WTO and Japan’s rice
At the time of the GATT Uruguay Round Agreement, Japan accepted the import of Minimum Access (MA) rice. This situation will get worse by the additional import quotas set by the TPP.
Celebrating Uruguay’s ISDS victory over Philip Morris?
A private ISDS tribunal has just ruled in favor of Uruguay over its tobacco labeling legislation. But why do we even allow this game to take place in the first place, regardless of the chance of a fatal outcome.
The Philippines and TPP: opportunities and challenges
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce released a study that assesses a number of aspects of Philippine trade and investment law against the obligations contained in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement
Thai-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement on cards: envoy
Thailand and Pakistan are holding talks on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which is likely to be signed by the end of this year.
Korea, Mongolia to seek free trade deal
South Korea and Mongolia have agreed to seek a free trade pact to expand bilateral economic cooperation
EU and Indonesia launch free trade talks
The EU’s 28 member states agreed to launch free trade talks with Indonesia, despite growing public doubts in Europe about two major transatlantic deals.
World Bank panel rejects lawsuit against Peru over smelter
A World Bank panel rejected a lawsuit filed against Peru by New York-based Renco Group Inc on technical grounds.
How Buy American is jeopardizing TTIP
America’s web of Buy American requirements is undermining TTIP discussions, blocking EU companies from trillions of dollars worth of procurement deals.
TDM 2 (2016) - Latin America (Vol. 1)
This special addresses the various challenges and changes at work in dispute resolution in Latin America. A second volume that continues many of the themes in this special from different angles and perspectives is also nearing completion.
Digital trade on the hill: hearing on expanding U.S. digital trade and eliminating digital trade barriers
Digital trade issues continue to grow in importance to the U.S. economy as people and businesses find new and innovative ways to use data and technology to deliver more goods and services via the Internet.
Five EU states gang up on Africa’s last colony
The European Court of Justice is due to hear a case on Tuesday (19 July) examining the EU’s role in facilitating exploitation of Africa’s last colony by one of Europe’s close allies.
New trade deals legalise corporate theft, make farmers’ seeds illegal
FTAs negotiated outside the WTO go further and help US and European corporations get what they weren’t able to achieve under TRIPS.
Lao Holdings continues legal battle on Savan Vegas sale
Sanum Investments Ltd and its parent company, Lao Holdings NV, say they filed the latest move in a legal battle concerning the Savan Vegas Hotel and Entertainment Complex – a casino hotel in Savannakhet, Laos.
Zambia ratifies the tripartite free trade area agreement
African policy makers have for a long time taken keen interest in the promotion of intra-regional trade in order to bring about development in the continent.
EAC-EU trade deal signing called off
In a sudden twist, comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the East African Community (EAC) and the European Union (EU) will not be signed as earlier planned.
Singapore and Sri Lanka launch FTA talks
Negotiations for a Sri Lanka-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (SLSFTA) are underway, Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry said on Monday (Jul 18).