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Malaysia wants more concrete measures to realise RCEP
Malaysia hopes more emphasis and concrete measures will be given to realise the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
India against ‘early harvest’ of RCEP pact; here’s why
Even as the 16-nation RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) ministerial in Laos on August 5 will mainly focus on liberalisation in goods trade, India has made it clear that it doesn’t favour an “early harvest”
UK turns to Canada for advice on striking post-Brexit trade deals with EU
Canadian minister in talks about how it secured Ceta trade deal with Brussels, which took seven years to finalise
Remodeling India’s investment treaty regime
India is seeking to terminate BITs signed with 57 countries and sign joint interpretative statements with the other 25 treaty states – all an outcome of the country’s new model BIT.
EU-US negotiators falter to make decisive progress on TTIP, destabilised by Brexit
EU and U.S. negotiators said that they still needed to overcome large differences for a transatlantic free trade deal to be sealed this year, and factor in the setback of Brexit, as the UK is one of the United States’ biggest export markets.
Argentina says no to Free Trade Agreements
A chronicle of the public audience organized by the Assembly “Argentina better off without free trade agreements”.
Centerra Gold shares ruled the property of Kyrgyzaltyn JSC by Ontario Superior Court
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled that Centerra Gold shares are the property of Kyrgyzaltyn JSC not the Kyrgyz Republic.
Africa is moving toward a massive and important free trade agreement
Here are seven things you need to know about Africa’s Continental Free Trade Area — which could be up and running by the end of 2017.
Financial services: the challenge of data flows
U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced a proposal to resolve the data localization issue in financial institutions in future trade agreements.
East Africa: Uganda hints at adopting Dar’s standpoint on EPA
Uganda is prepared to delay the signing of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) after Tanzania, one of the East Africa Community (EAC) partner states, raised the red flag.
TTIP: Why are the talks taking so long?
A short video takes a look at some of the reasons why the talks are so complicated.
Romania, Bulgaria, Canada seek to unlock CETA by solving visa dispute
Meetings in various formats have been held between Canada, the European Commission, Bulgaria and Romania, in an effort to avoid a possible veto from Sofia and Bucharest on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
India-EU FTA chief negotiators to meet today
Chief negotiators of the proposed India-EU free trade agreement (FTA) will meet to discuss the “way forward”, a senior commerce ministry official said.
40 arrested in Brussels after protesters attack TTIP negotiators – with confetti
The latest round of negotiations of the under-threat trade agreement between the US and the EU is suffering from pressure both, outside and inside the negotiating room.
How the TTIP could make ethical meat harder to find
Looking for cage-free eggs and antibiotic-free meat? The new transatlantic trade agreement could make both harder to find.
India may offer tariff cut in goods at trade summit
India will show flexibility on goods side if RCEP members show higher commitment on trade in investment and services
Alternative model for a sustainable development chapter and related provisions in the Transatlantic Trade an Investment Partnership
The alternative model proposed here addresses the shortcomings of the EU Proposal and proposes a sustainable development chapter.
Privacy Shield: Privacy sham
The European Commission adopted the so-called “Privacy Shield”, a special arrangement that allows the transfer of personal data from the EU to the United States.
East Africa: Tanzania’s u-turn sparks calls for rethink of EU trade deal
It is imperative for East African Community (EAC) to listen carefully to the issues Tanzania is related to the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) the bloc concluded with the European Union.
Korea-Colombia FTA to take effect this week
The Korea-Colombia free trade agreement will go into effect from July 16. The agreement will eliminate tariffs on 4,390 Korean export products to the South American country.