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Internet groups push for safe harbors in TiSA
Digital associations from across the Americas, Europe, Australia and New Zealand are pushing for negotiators of the Trade in Services Agreement to include safe harbor protections.
What does Brexit mean for TTIP?
Far from killing off TTIP, Brexit may provide the boost of political will needed to drag the trade deal over the finish line, and could unleash a wave of economic liberalism across Europe.
EU-US FTA (TTIP) - draft EU proposals (July 2016)
As published by the European Commission
Abe seeks TPP approval in autumn
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has suggested that he will seek approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal at an extra session of the Diet.
Cairn Energy wants $ 5.6 billion compensation from India for ’unlawful’ tax demand
Cairn Plc has claimed compensation of $5.6 billion from India in legal proceedings against the retrospective tax demand.
Study launch: The EU can achieve data protection-proof trade agreements
The purpose of the study was to have an independent assessment on the respect of privacy and data protection by trade agreements being negotiated by the European Union.
Making RCEP work
Striking a balance between opening up trade and ‘Make in India’ is essential
Selling off the farm: corporate meat’s takeover through TTIP
New report from IATP shows how TTIP will accelerate corporate concentration and expand industrial meat production or “factory farming” by increasing the power of meat-producing transnational corporations.
Honduras : les assassinats contre les environnementalistes se poursuivent
Sept ans après le coup d’Etat au Honduras, les assassinats et la criminalisation à l’encontre des défenseurs des droits humains, de l’environnement, des communautés indiennes ou paysannes ne fléchissent pas.
The RCEP effect on India
China may step up trade and investment in India vis-à-vis the Asean countries. A lower bilateral trade deficit is a possibility
EU-US trade talks stuck over bread-and-butter market access
Few expect significant breakthroughs at the EU-US 14th round of trade talks, as negotiations seem to be deadlocked over bread-and-butter market access.
Prime Minister Trudeau signs Canada-Ukraine free trade agreement
The trade deal is seen as politically important given Ukraine’s efforts to escape from Russia’s influence.
India wants new foreign investment pacts to limit lawsuits
The notifications, issued earlier this year, effectively let governments know they have 12 months to broker new treaties before the old ones expire.
EU says China needs to give EU companies fair market access
The EU trade commissioner said that China has to give European companies the same kind of market access that Chinese companies enjoy in Europe before discussions can start on a bilateral free trade agreement.
UK initiates bilateral trade talks for post-Brexit deal with India
Britain said it would start preliminary talks with India on Friday (8 July) about an eventual bilateral trade deal after last month’s referendum vote to leave the European Union, but will have to wait until it actually exits the EU before getting talks formally started.
Les APE UE-ACP : une chance ou un fléau ?
De Lomé à Cotonou, une difficile transition vers la "réciprocité des avantages"
TAFTA : une nouvelle fuite révèle les ambitions climaticides de l’Union européenne
Le TAFTA privera la puissance publique des instruments de contrôle et de réglementation nécessaires à la protection de l’environnement et la lutte contre les dérèglements climatiques.
Leaked TTIP energy proposal could ’sabotage’ EU climate policy
EU proposal on a free trade deal with the US could curb energy saving measures and a planned switch to clean energy, say MEPs
Tanzania backs out of EAC deal with EU over Brexit
Tanzania has said it will not sign an economic partnership agreement between East Africa Community and European Union following Brexit, causing anguish and shock at the EAC headquarters in Arusha.
Phillip Morris loses tough-on-tobacco lawsuit in Uruguay
The World Bank’s ICSID ruled in favor of Uruguay in a suit filed by Philip Morris International seeking compensation for economic damages caused by the nation’s anti-tobacco measures.