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Spanish agriculture firms file arbitration claim against Venezuela
Spanish agriculture company Grupo Agroinsumos Ibero-americanos and associated firms have filed an arbitration case against Venezuela via a World Bank tribunal, seeking compensation for the 2010 nationalization of its operations.
Chevron shareholders still wary of risks from $11 billion Ecuador judgment
Chevron shareholders remain wary of the risks from an $11 billion judgment against the company in Ecuador. They also continue to be critical of Chevron management’s mishandling of the case.
CETA’s specter of corporate dictatorship still haunts Canada, EU
CETA, like its cousins TTP and TTIP, would cement into place the right of multi-national corporations to dictate to governments without any democratic input.
India to oppose zero-tariffs in RCEP trade pact
Likely to float proposal on moderation of tariffs instead of elimination in Jakarta
EU rejects changes in Ukraine association pact for Dutch voters
The European Union will not make any changes in its association agreement with Ukraine to address Dutch voters’ concerns.
EU ignores MEP demands on US free trade deal, NGOs say
Opposition against the EU’s free-trade deal with the United States continues to mount in the lead up to the next round of talks next week.
Britain supports EU free trade deal with Canada despite Brexit
Britain has assured Canada it will push for speedy ratification of the mammoth free trade deal with the European Union, despite its intention to leave the 28-country bloc
What’s India’s strategy to beat Brexit? Here’s a sneak peak
India is considering recalibrating its strategy, including renegotiating its tariff offers, for the proposed free trade agreement (FTA) with the EU following Brexit.
Brazil will join the TiSA negotiations
The Brazilian participation in the negotiations of the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) has recently been authorised.
Canada prepares to lift Romanian visa rules to smooth way for EU trade deal
The next move toward ratifying Canada’s trade deal with the European Union is set when Immigration Minister John McCallum is expected in Brussels to resolve Canada’s long-standing visa dispute with Romania and Bulgaria.
TPP heightens urgency for national drug coverage in Canada
Adopting a national pharmacare program would offset the higher drug prices expected with the ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, write Tanishq Suryavanshi and Jake Hirsch-Allen.
Expert: Fiji took right approach
Fiji took the right approach by exercising caution when dealing with Australia and New Zealand on the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER Plus).
EU trade talks set to resume
Talks on the free trade agreement (FTA) between India and the European Union are set to resume.
Pakistan, China yet to strike deal on FTA phase-II
Both sides to break the deadlock over reaching an agreement on the revival of preferential tariff on exportable products for each other
EVFTA to open new chapter in EU-Vietnam trade relation
Vietnam has the potential of improving its own production and expanding its key industries exponentially.
Member states claw back control over CETA
National parliaments will have their say over the trade deal struck between the EU and Canada but once ratified by the Council and the European Parliament, the agreement could enter into force provisionally..
U.S. financial services text to debut at TiSA round
At the 19th round of Trade in Services talks, U.S. negotiators are expected to introduce language aimed at easing industry concerns over the cross-border transfer of financial services data.
UE: polémique autour d’un accord commercial avec le Burundi
La Commission européenne est sur la voie d’un accord commercial avec cinq pays d’Afrique de l’Est et centrale, dont le Burundi. Ce texte ne réjouit pas tous les députés européens, notamment à cause de la situation des droits de l’homme au Burundi
VN Gov’t to toughen IP rights enforcement
Improving enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights is now high on the Government’s agenda as part of its efforts to uphold international IP commitments, especially those in the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Effects of trade wars on Belarus
The trade wars following the 2014 events in Ukraine affected not only the directly involved participants, but also countries like Belarus that were affected through international trade linkages.