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Reject trade deal with EU, East African countries warned
East African countries have been asked to reject the impending trade deal with the European Union.
Mongolia’s experience with investment treaties and arbitration cases
Mongolia’s web of international investment agreements and the promise of development
EU commissioner says Brexit negotiation must precede trade talks
Cecilia Malmström says business between the UK and EU should be conducted under WTO rules before trade deal is signed
Towards a European model for investor–state disputes?
Public debate over how best to manage the interests of foreign investors and host states has resurfaced in Australia.
Korea hastens FTA push amid Brexit confusion
South Korea is ramping up its negotiations on free trade agreements to tackle the economic confusion from Brexit, scouting for new markets and making sure it is part of numerous regional pacts.
Free to trade?
India is part of many international trade agreements, and continues to negotiate with other agencies and countries.
CETA and TTIP threaten the EU’s precautionary principle
Le principe de précaution pourrait passer à la trappe dans les accords de l’UE avec le Canada et les États-Unis. Et remettre en cause les interdictions du bœuf aux hormones ou des OGM
RCEP talks: Chief negotiators to meet on July 18-19 in Jakarta, tariff talks on agenda
India will make a pitch for continuation of the three-tier system of tariff or tax elimination for member countries as a few countries favour only one tier, an official said.
Free Trade Agreements have exacerbated a humanitarian crisis in Central America
Proposals like the Alliance for Prosperity Plan and the Trans-Pacific Partnership will only accelerate a race to the bottom for families in the Northern triangle of Latin America.
Potential effects of the Transpacific Agreement (TPP)
It is possible that the Transpacific Agreement may stimulate global trade flows. However, those of us that think that this mega – agreement, as in previous cases, will provide unequal benefits, have good reasons to be worried.
This is how Big Business negotiated the TTIP
A report ‘A Dangerous Regulatory Duet’ explains how lobby groups of major multinationals, influenced the negotiations of the trade treaty between the European Union and the United States.
The TTIP and the privitization of health
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Treaty (TTIP) may present a genuine threat to health and to the outcomes we have reached in the healthcare systems today.
The Netherlands prepares for a referendum against TAFTA
The Netherlands envisages organizing a referendum of the Transatlantic Free Trade Treaty (TAFTA) between the United States and the European Union.
Commission rejects MEPs’ request for full ban on ratchet and standstill clauses in TiSA
The European Commission has rejected a recommendation put forward by the European Parliament in February’s resolution to fully exclude the application of the standstill and ratchet clauses in the Trade in Services Agreement
Agro, agribusiness, free trade pact’s big winners
The agro and agribusiness sectors have profited the most from the US-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) during the 10 years since it took effect.
Trade or human rights? Integrity of State Department trafficking report still an open question
"The Administration appears to be resolute in forging a flawed trade agreement with countries that currently violate fundamental labor and human rights."
Georgia-EU Association Agreement fully comes into play
Georgia and the EU signed an AA on June 27, 2014 and today, July 1, 2016 the AA and its inclusive Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) deal fully entered into force.
Myanmar farmers wary of free trade deadline
Six months into the grace period, Myanmar farmers are worrying what will happen when free trade finally comes to all ASEAN members in 2018.
Mexican activist says NAFTA should act as a warning against TPP
teleSUR spoke with Victor Suarez Carrera, who is campaigning against the TPP in Canada as Obama, Peña Nieto, and Trudeau push the trade pact.
Three amigos further liberalize NAFTA rules of origin
Agreement covers range of products, from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics.