Standard Digital
East African countries have been asked to reject the impending trade deal with the European Union.
East Asia Forum
Public debate over how best to manage the interests of foreign investors and host states has resurfaced in Australia.
One India One People
India is part of many international trade agreements, and continues to negotiate with other agencies and countries.
The Economic Times
India will make a pitch for continuation of the three-tier system of tariff or tax elimination for member countries as a few countries favour only one tier, an official said.
Institute for Policy Studies
Proposals like the Alliance for Prosperity Plan and the Trans-Pacific Partnership will only accelerate a race to the bottom for families in the Northern triangle of Latin America.
Ecologistas en Acción
A report ‘A Dangerous Regulatory Duet’ explains how lobby groups of major multinationals, influenced the negotiations of the trade treaty between the European Union and the United States.
Noticias de Gipuskoa
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Treaty (TTIP) may present a genuine threat to health and to the outcomes we have reached in the healthcare systems today.
Dominican Today
The agro and agribusiness sectors have profited the most from the US-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) during the 10 years since it took effect.