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Shrimp and tuna could benefit from trade agreement with EFTA
Next October Ecuador is to begin the negotiations for a comprehensive trade agreement with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
Why TTIP will live on – but not in the EU
The controversial trade agreement between the EU and United States could well fall apart, only for the UK to pick up the pieces for its own trade deal.
The ISDS controversy: How we got here and where next
In recent years the debate over investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) has heated up and in Europe is reaching boiling point
The impact of ISDS on the environment
Brooke Guven (Colombia Center on Sustainable Investment) talks about investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) at AFL-CIO conference on trade.
Approaches to international investment protection: divergent approaches between the TPPA and developing countries’ model investment treaties
A growing international community of policy makers and analysts that recognizes that major reforms in the investment treaty regime are needed.
Mexico to reopen market to Canadian beef
The Canadian beef industry is applauding Mexico’s decision to fully reopen its market to Canadian beef.
Life after Brexit: What happens to Canada’s trade deal with Europe?
Canada negotiated CETA with the European Union based on the U.K. being in, not out, so now what?
India’s narrow BIT norms holding up trade pact
The new model text on the basis of which India is negotiating its Bilateral Investment Treaties (BIT) is making it difficult for America to hold bilateral talks on the proposed India-US BIT
Georgia and EFTA sign Free Trade Agreement
The signing took place on the sideline of Georgian PM Giorgi Kvirikashvili’s two-day official visit to Switzerland and on the margins of EFTA ministerial meeting.
‘Brexit offers a vital lesson for Asean’
Brexit shows where the European Union has gone wrong: because it failed to improve economic benefits for all.
Protecting the government in investor-state dispute
The Indonesian government is currently reviewing all its international investment treaties after previously having terminated 20 bilateral investment treaties (BIT).
Asean to press RCEP to cut tariffs on 92% of goods
ASEAN countries will propose to the 16 member states of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) to eliminate tariffs on 92 per cent of trade in goods to promote economic integration of the grouping.
S Korea to review free trade accord with EU
The South Korean government said that it will review the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed with the European Union (EU) following Britain’s exit from the bloc.
Only quarter of Canadians believe NAFTA benefits them
Only one in four Canadians say the North American Free Trade Agreement is good for their country, and more than one-third want it renegotiated, according to a poll.
Forum shopping in the execution of ICSID awards: is it time to revive the UN convention on state immunity?
By virtue of the ICSID Convention awards are automatically enforceable. But enforcement of an award is only half of the equation; award holders must also navigate the separate, but equally important, task of executing the award.
TransCanada Corp moves forward with Keystone XL NAFTA challenge
TransCanada Corp. made good on its threat to challenge the rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline, filing a request for arbitration under NAFTA to recoup US$15 billion in damages from the U.S. government.
Asean told to refocus on RCEP
Thailand and other Asean nations should review their stance on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and rather refocus on materialising the Regional Cooperation on Economic Partnership, said former WTO chief.
Free trade agreements not the great deal we’ve been sold
Australian governments of late seem only to listen to the din of money as though that equates with national interest.
Tafta : la souveraineté kidnappée
Jusqu’où peut-on pousser la logique du libre-échange ?
Conditionality in context - scenarios for EU relations with the Eurasian Economic Union
The establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in January 2015 congealed EU-Russia relations in terms of geopolitics and trade policy.