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Civil society letter to countries negotiating Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
We call on countries negotiating the RCEP agreement and to protect the flexibilities available under the WTO TRIPS agreement for Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
Social impacts should derail trade talks: experts
Pacific island governments should retain their legal right to regulate to protect their national development interests, which include the ownership and control of land, natural resources and environment, as well as the social and economic rights of their people ahead of the empty development promises from Australia and New Zealand and walk away from the regional trade talks known as PACER-Plus, a new report released today recommends.
Brussels to end preferential trade access for uncooperative African countries
The EU plans to raise the pressure on six African countries to implement controversial free trade agreements by putting an end to their preferential access to the EU market.
EU Member States to intervene against Western Sahara in EU Court
A handful of EU Member States will intervene in the European Court proceedings in favour of Morocco, asking the Court to reverse its decision to cancel the EU-Morocco trade deal in occupied Western Sahara.
China-U.S. dialogue makes progress in BIT talks, overcapacity, RMB trading
China and the United States have made incremental progress in accelerating bilateral investment treaty talks
A NAFTA-like deal for Israel and Ukraine?
Free-trade agreement is a key part of NAFTA, and Tel-Aviv and Kyiv are well on their way towards the implementation of a similar deal.
TPP study gives one side of story
"These so-called studies are really more about trying to influence political votes for the commodity groups’ members than contributing to farmer and rancher welfare or congressional understanding"
The West Africa-EU Economic Partnership Agreement is absurd
This is a way of thinking as absurd as that consisting for a poultry producer to open the henhouse gate to allow the fox to test the poultry resistance capacity.
The EPA would liberalize the majority of EU agricultural exports to West Africa
This document is limited to assessing the importance of the liberalization of agricultural imports in the EU-West Africa (WA) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) given the crucial nature of these products for WA.
Perpetuating the interim EPAs of Ivory Coast and Ghana would be meaningless
There is a rumour that, if Nigeria’s stance not to sign the regional EPA is definitive so that the EPA would be buried, DG trade is contemplating to perpetuate the interim EPAs of Ivory Coast and Ghana provided they would formally sign them.
Americanization of the BIT universe
Friendship, Commerce and Navigation (FCN) treaties are more than a historical precursor to international investment agreements (IIA) and continue to influence and inspire modern investment treaty design.
Big transatlantic market: yield and bow down
MEDEL’s opinion on the construction of a international investment court for TTIP – proposal of the European Commission.
Dutch target June summit for talks on EU-Ukraine deal
The Dutch government wants to discuss its voters’ rejection of the EU-Ukraine association agreement at an EU summit in Brussels.
AngloGold suit against gov’t unnecessary - Ayikoi Otoo
AngloGold Ashanti’s decision to sue government at the ICSID over security concerns at its Obuasi concession has been described as “surprising” by private legal practitioner and former Attorney General, Ayikoi Otoo.
In Greece, standing against free trade agreements is standing for the planet
Aristoteli joined a growing movement of local authorities opposed to CETA and TTIP to deny the building of a polluter’s paradise
Over 40 pct of local cow farms closed since KORUS FTA: report
More than four out of 10 South Korean cow farms have shut down in the last four years since the implementation of the free trade deal between Seoul and Washington.
Coalition may add clause to Japan trade deal that lets foreign companies sue Australia
Provision allows firms to sue in international tribunal if laws introduced or changed that hurt their interests.
Eco-groups join in $ 101M Bilcon quarry fight
The environmental lobby is going to bat for the federal and provincial governments against international big business in a $101-million argument.
EU-Philippines: Commission to push for ambitious energy and raw materials chapter
The European Commission will push for robust provisions on trade and investment in energy and raw materials in a free trade agreement with the Philippines
U.S. top court rejects Ecuador challenge to Chevron arbitration award
The U.S. Supreme Court let stand a $96 million international arbitration award issued in 2011 in favor of energy company Chevron in a dispute over the development of oil fields in Ecuador.