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Standing up to patent bullying
The Ministry of Commerce must be cautious of Free Trade Agreements being negotiated with the European Union as well as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership that further strengthen or extend intellectual property (IP) monopolies.
S. Korea to launch FTA negotiations with Israel next month
South Korea said that it has come to an agreement with Israel to begin negotiations next month on a free trade deal that could further boost bilateral trade.
Member states’ proposal for more investor protection legally flawed
The proposal would fundamentally undermine the EU’s internal market provisions and the role of the courts of the Member States and the European Court of Justice in safeguarding their operation.
Asia trade deal RCEP will undercut farmers’ control over seeds
According to the latest leaked draft of the RCEP agreement, the negotiating countries fall into two camps when it comes to legal rights over biodiversity and traditional knowledge useful for food production and medicine.
Citra Mina workers
The Philippine government is hoping the EU-Philippines FTA wil facilitate more tuna exports to the EU, but the industry is riddled with issues of low wages, unfair labor practices, poor and slave-like working conditions.
Signing away sovereignty
The Philippines has a web of investment treaties which severely constrain the government’s ability to regulate or close polluting mines, a legal straitjacket that will become even tighter if the EU–Philippines Free Trade Agreement and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) proceed
Two chapters in RCEP agreement to conclude in June: Mustapa
Economic and technical cooperation chapters will be the first two chapters to be concluded during the 13th round of negotiations, ahead of plans to seal the deal by year-end.
Prosperous Mexican farms suck up water, leaving villages high and dry
Nafta is all about high-intensive-labor crops. Water extraction increased exponentially. Every year, farms bore farther into the aquifer, and scientists warn that they are reaching tainted water that is contaminated with arsenic and fluoride which is causing great harm.
TTIP less consensual than it seems in Central and Eastern Europe
Support for TTIP in Central and Eastern Europe, though it remains strong, is no longer as consensual as it used to be.
S. Korea to hold new round of talks for FTA with Central America
South Korea will hold a fresh round of negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) with six Central American countries.
Summit significant, ASEAN seriously looking at FTA with EAEU
Southeast Asia nations reached a consensus to seriously look into establishing a free trade deal with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), of which Russia is a party to.
EU and Philippines kick off trade talks today
Philippine trade negotiators meet their DG Trade counterparts for a first round of trade talks, five months after they were announced, but nobody expects a cakewalk.
Asean enhances trade in services
Senior officials from Asean member countries are working on the arrangements and adoption of protocol in relation to the trade in services and to ensure the region is fully integrated into global supply chains in goods and services.
ISDS in the revised CETA: positive steps, but is it a “gold standard”?
Canada and the European Union released a revised Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) in February 2016. The revisions focus on the controversial and deeply flawed process of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS).
Local politics enters the global contest
European municipalities join the battle against TTIP to protect sovereignty and public services, demonstrating how to take political initiative and build an alternative economy
After Canada & US, Mexico next in EU North America free trade pipeline
EU member states are expected to give the green light to negotiations to upgrade a fifteen-year-old free trade agreement between the EU and Mexico.
CETA could mean GM salmon exports to Europe
The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) could mean that genetically modified salmon will be sold as food to Europeans.
Four impact studies of the West Africa EPA that the EU Commission does not want you to see has received four impact studies concerning the EU-West Africa EPA and requested Jacques Berthelot to provide a comment on them.
Le TAFTA avant l’heure - tout comprendre au traité UE-Canada
Dans l’ombre du traité transatlantique entre l’Union européenne et les États-Unis (TAFTA), les chefs d’États de l’UE pourraient bientôt approuver un accord de commerce et d’investissement tout aussi inquiétant.
Is India holding the line against another TPP?
Of the RCEP negotiating countries, it is India, rather than China, that has been the most outspoken in opposing US-style trade rules.