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APEC ministers: Free trade area study on path to conclusion
Trade ministers from the United States, China and other Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum nations say a study on the proposed "Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific" agreement is on track.
6th global to local webinar on May 24th
The Global to Local Webinar Series addresses key issues in the global to local debate.
Study predicts modest economic boost for US from Obama trade pact
New report from the International Trade Commission says the TPP would marginally boost the US economy over the next 15 years, but it also would erode employment in manufacturing sectors
EAEU-Indonesia free trade zone may be set up after Jakarta files request
Work on establishing the free trade zone between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Indonesia may start after Jakarta files a corresponding application
Shameless attempt to quietly institutionalise ISDS throughout Europe
A new leak reveals that 5 EU member states are proposing to introduce investor-to-state dispute settlement for all cross-border investments within the EU.
Trans Pacific Partnership makes it “quite likely” that Canadians’ confidential data would be subject to US Patriot Act: MP
A provision in the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement makes it “quite likely” that banking information could be “accessible to American security intelligence agencies.”
New FTA between MERCOSUR and SACU impacts Brazil export process
A new Free Trade Agreement between MERCOSUR and the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU) entered into force on 1 April 2016, providing preference margins of 10%, 25%, 50% and 100% for almost 1,050 tariff items on each side.
Singapore, Myanmar exploring bilateral investment treaty
Areas of future cooperation include more investments in infrastructure development, agriculture and education, says Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan.
Singapore and Eurasian Economic Commission sign MOU to expand economic cooperation
The first step towards a free trade agreement (FTA) between Singapore and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) was taken, with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to deepen ties.
Big Tobacco abuses investor-state dispute settlement: law expert
“Despite the losses and defeats, tobacco companies will keep coming back for more. They will fight on regardless in order to delay and disrupt the rollout of the World Health Organization’s best-practice tobacco control measures,”
No deal is better than a bad deal: 4 years of US-Colombia free trade pact
Since a free trade agreement between the United States and Colombia came into force on May 15, 2012, exports from Colombia to the US have been cut in half while violence against labor rights workers persists.
Colombia not enforcing US trade deal labor standards - unions
Colombia has failed to enforce worker protections in a free trade agreement with the United States, U.S. and Colombian labor unions said, raising questions about similar provisions in the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.
ICSID tribunal orders Zimbabwe to return expropriated farms
In an award issued July 28, 2015 but only published February 2016, a tribunal at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) ordered Zimbabwe to return farms it seized without compensation in 2005.
The need for a Southern Observatory on transnational investment
The objective of the Observatory is to become a forum for the objective settlement of investment disputes with transnational corporations.
Nepal, United States scheduled to sit for talks next month
The upcoming council meeting will cover raft of issues related to trade and investments. Nepal has been preparing to lure investors from the US by showcasing various projects in hydropower, tourism, industry and service sectors.
How isolation is bringing China and Israel together
For Israel a FTA is also about diversifying its political relationships, as the West is becoming more politically distant. A similar urge is motivating China. Looking out into the South China Sea, Beijing sees a U.S. effort to physically contain China’s expansion.
Free trade agreement talks between GCC & China gain momentum
The talks between GCC countries and China to reach a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) have gained momentum. Once implemented, the agreement will further boost cooperation and the volume of trade between the two sides.
Argentina agrees $217 million arbitration deal with energy companies
Argentina has agreed to pay $217 million to two energy companies in long-standing arbitration cases stemming from its 2001/02 economic crisis.
Greece to block TTIP unless geographical indications are protected
The Greek government is ready to veto the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the US and the EU unless it ensures increased protection for key agricultural geographical indicators.
Renegotiation of Korea-US FTA may dent alliance: Seoul officials
A demand to renegotiate the terms of a free trade agreement (FTA) between South Korea and the United States may very well mean the end of the bilateral trade pact, if not the countries’ alliance.