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TPP environmental commitments: Combining the US legalistic and the EU sectoral approaches
How ambitious are the TPP’s environment provisions when compared to other regional trade agreements?
Midnight trade deal: Why is the Aquino government rushing a free trade deal with Europe?
Press statement of the EU-ASEAN Network on signing of Philippines-EFTA FTA
10 years of the US-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement
In purely commercial terms, American manufacturers gained access to regional Gulf Cooperation Council markets and beyond.
Walloon Parliament rejects CETA
The Walloon Parliament voted against ratification of the Canada-Europe Trade Agreement (CETA). The parliament is worried about social and environmental norms and the investor-state arbitration system.
TTIP trade deal poses serious threat to EU farming
The controversial trade deal being negotiated between the EU and the US could spell disaster for European farming, finds a new report from Friends of the Earth Europe.
160 farm and food groups ask Congress to reject TPP
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has become a divisive issue in the nation’s capital, and criticism intensified after 161 food, farm, faith and rural organizations sent a letter to Capitol Hill, urging lawmakers to reject the trade pact.
Farmers vow protests if TPP gets nod
Farmers nationwide have threatened to organise protests against the government if it decides Thailand should take part in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.
A Dutch court said Russia doesn’t have to pay Yukos’s investors. Will Russia have to pay anyway?
A Dutch court found that Russia doesn’t have to pay $50 billion to Yukos shareholders. Here’s the big catch: international investment law is so complicated that Russia might have to pay anyway.
EU sacrifices human rights for Vietnam free trade
New EU-Vietnam trade agreements are being fast-tracked with barely any attention to human rights.
Pak-Turk FTA talks focus on goods, services, investment
Pakistan and Turkey started the second round of talks on Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with special focus on goods, services and investment.
TTIP: Chevron lobbied for controversial legal right as ’environmental deterrent’
US oil company wanted EU-US trade deal to give foreign investors the legal right to challenge government decision, documents show
Indonesia-EU CEPA set for 2019
Official negotiations on the Indonesia-European Union comprehensive economic partnership agreement (IE-CEPA) will commence within the next 4 to 6 months, with completion targeted for 2019.
PH, EFTA to sign free trade pact
The Philippines and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) will sign anytime this week the free trade agreement between the two, the country’s second bilateral FTA after the one with Japan.
TTIP: le gouvernement britannique ignore ses propres avertissements
Les futurs tribunaux spéciaux qui régleront les litiges provoqués par le Traité transatlantique controversé TTIP présentent plus de risques que d’avantages pour les gouvernements européens.
Small business still waiting for TTIP breakthrough
When it comes to permits and product licensing, the US is a patchwork of different rules and regulations. When selling within Europe, it is straightforward.
EU African EPAs in limbo
The EU’s Economic Partnership Agreements with sub-Saharan countries inked a few years ago are not getting off the ground as African governments don’t like their EU-inspired rules on raw materials policies.
TTIP: UK Government found trade deal had ’lots of risk and no benefit’ in its only assessment
This stark warning against TTIP was disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information request by anti-TTIP campaigners
European cities and regions rally to stop TTIP
A network of European cities and regions have called on the EU to suspend current trade negotiations and to refrain from ratifying the recently finished EU-Canada trade agreement.
At least 35,000 protest in Hanover a day before Obama visits Germany to promote TTIP trade deal
Some 35,000 people marched through the streets of Hanover to protest against a sweeping European-US trade deal.
New GMOs are ’not GM’ - EU folds under US pressure
The EU Commission has caved in to US pressure in TTIP trade talks by deciding to consider organisms modified by new ’gene editing’ techniques as non-GM - in violation of the EU’s own laws.