Forum Against FTAs
As the 12th round of trade negotiations for the RCEP commence in Perth (Australia) from 22 April onwards, several civil society organisations in India have raised concerns around transparency and possible negative impacts on several issues ranging from access to medicines, tax policy, investor rights and farmers access to seeds.
Friends of the Earth
New EU proposal will perpetuate investors’ attacks on health and environment.
Pardee School of Global Studies
On Friday, April 22, President Barack Obama is joining other world leaders in signing the Paris climate accord. But on the following Monday, April 25, Obama will meet with European leaders to promote the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Farmers Weekly
Concern is mounting that agriculture could be used as a bargaining chip in two large free-trade deals currently being negotiated by the EU.
Evening Report
The Government has given the Waitangi Tribunal just three weeks to produce its report on a claim brought by prominent Maori that the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement violates the Crown’s obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi.
The Scottish Farmer
A Mercosur trade deal between the European Union and South America could inflict losses of €7.8bn on farmers in the EU’s 28 member states, according to the Irish Farmers’ Association.
The Bangkok Post
Indonesia and the European Union are one step closer to realising a free trade agreement after talks to discuss the scope of documents outlining the items they want to include in the negotiations.
The Ecologist
The latest country to be hooked under ’free trade’ agreements is Colombia sued for tens of billions of dollars for valuing its national parks and the high-altitude Andean wetlands that provide 70% of the nation’s water above the profits of foreign corporations.
Financial Post
Crystallex International Corp. completed the easy part: It won an arbitration award against Venezuela worth nearly US$1.4 billion. Now comes the hard part: actually collecting that money.
Forum against FTAs
Forum against FTAs (India) is calling for action against the next round of negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) amongst 16 Asian countries, that will be held as a five-day meeting in Perth, Australia starting from April 22, 2016.
Economie Matin
Europe has all the assets needed to build a solid future for itself. However, to do so, it must take steps to defend and promote them.