Intellectual Property Watch
Raising concern over the lack of proper intellectual property laws in South Sudan, as the world’s newest nation’s admission into the East Africa Community (EAC) spurs anticipation of increased investment.
Global Research
Human rights leader Berta Caceres’ assassination now serves as a global symbol of the struggle for freedom and democracy as colonized peoples world-wide languish beneath the yoke of imperialism.
The Japan Times
Adding to the national political debate will be local economic projections on how the TPP will affect prefectural agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors.
Vietnamnet Bridge
Many contract manufacturers in Vietnam are likely to see little benefits if the TPP goes through.
Financial Express
The negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) involving 16 countries could slow down in the coming months due to a lack of consensus over services.
Radio Australia
PNG’s concerns about the current text on PACER-Plus makes common sense. Adam Wolfenden is from the Pacific Network on Globalisation, a group which has been critical of the deal explains.
The Globe and Mail
This is one of the problems with this regime of investor rights. It confers enormous discretion on an elite corps of lawyers.
The Cattle Site
The dairy industry has thanked the US government for its extensive work aimed at securing clarifications regarding the right to use several generic cheese names in exports to Honduras.
Todd N. Tucker
A research provides a set of pragmatic tools for governments on the receiving end of legal claims.
Vietnamnet Bridge
For the first time, as a result of EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement commitments, European investors will be able to offer tenders for various public infrastructure projects in Vietnam.
Huffington Post
Corporations can still sue governments over public policy decisions they don’t like but the real lesson from the ISDS reforms, in fact, is that public opposition and political mobilization can change things.