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Mercosur makes EU free trade offer before French visit
South American bloc Mercosur is offering to open up 93% of its trade to competition from the European Union to seal a long-sought free-trade deal.
Mozilla, EFF, and Creative Commons call for more openness in trade negotiations
Browser maker Mozilla, digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Creative Commons have called for more openness in global trade agreements.
EU poultry sector concerned about TTIP deal
Representatives of the European poultry industry are increasingly expressing concerns about the upcoming free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States.
EU told ExxonMobil that TTIP would aid global expansion, documents reveal
Trade chief told oil giant in secret talks that free trade deal could address its concerns over regulations restricting activities in developing countries.
Venezuela, Gold Reserve to settle arbitration dispute with joint venture
Venezuela and Canadian mining company Gold Reserve signed a memorandum of understanding to settle a protracted arbitration dispute over a gold concession.
German SMEs join forces to resist TTIP
TTIP aims to spur growth and create jobs on both sides of the Atlantic, but there are doubts among some small and midsized businesses in Germany.
Copyright revisions under TPP must take cultural development into consideration
If copyrights are excessively protected, it could hinder creative work. Some people have expressed concerns that this could have a chilling effect on creators.
Canada and Hong Kong FIPA signed: A boost to the bilateral business relation
FIPA sets out respective rights and reciprocal binding obligations for Canada and Hong Kong, including non-discriminatory treatment, minimum standard of treatment and dispute resolutions rules.
Mercosur delays free-trade offer to EU
The reason for the delay of the exchange of offers lies on the EU request for the Mercosur bloc to increase the total trade volume to be included in the final agreement.
NAFTA wind energy dispute ramps up
The case concerns a moratorium imposed in 2011 by the Canadian province of Ontario on offshore wind energy generation projects, citing public concerns and scientific uncertainties about the health, safety, and environmental effects.
Outlook for the EU-SADC economic partnership agreement
New trade stemming from the EPA will not be very extensive, and any poverty reduction effects will also likely be quite small.
The TPP kills
It’s no joke. The consequence that the Transpacific Treaty on Economic Cooperation (the English acronym for which is the TPP) recently signed by 12 countries in the Pacific Ocean, including Mexico, Peru and Chile on this side of the Pond, has on access to medicines is brutal.
The real danger in TPP
This threat to the law and to democratic processes has no place in a 21st century trade agreement and should be removed before these agreements can be seriously considered.
Farmers fear for their future as new TTIP round opens
As negotiators prepare for the 12th round of TTIP talks, the crisis in French agriculture is compounding the sector’s fears over the trade deal.
The European Union–West Africa economic partnership agreement
The benefits of the EPA between the EU and WA’s countries appear small, if not negative for West African countries.
Aquino warned: Do not let PH fall into TPP pit
IBON said that President Aquino should primarily push for the people and the nation’s interests. The President should not allow the TPP to exploit the country’s natural resources and industries.
India softens stance on Bay of Bengal free trade agreement
Softening its earlier stand, India has decided to conclude a low-ambition free trade agreement with the seven-nation grouping Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, or Bimstec.
Tariffs dropped to zero
TTIP: Secret document reveals in detail the EU offer to drop 97 percent of its tariffs on US goods.
EU-US FTA (TTIP) - draft EU revised offer for chemicals (October 2015)
As leaked by Correct!v
EU-US FTA (TTIP) - draft EU revised tariff offer (October 2015)
As leaked by Correct!v