Hindustan Times
India and the US are actively discussing a trade deal, with a key focus on agricultural produce. Despite sensitivities surrounding agricultural lobbies, both countries see potential for increased market access through tariff reductions and the removal of non-tariff barriers. The discussions emphasize "complementarities," aiming to avoid harming domestic farming communities.
The Express Tribune
Indonesia and Pakistan plan to strengthen ties through new agreements and a potential FTA, focusing on trade in key sectors like food, pharmaceuticals, and EVs. Indonesia, a major nickel producer, aims to expand its EV supply chain, while both countries seek joint ventures in lithium batteries and palm oil production. The collaboration aims to address the current trade imbalance and leverage Indonesia’s strong economic growth.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog
The SIFA marks a significant milestone in international investment law. Its focus on sustainability, transparency, and problem-solving represents a new approach that could influence the future of investment agreements worldwide.
The Korea Times
US President Donald Trump has decided to give a one-month tariff exemption on vehicles coming into the United States through a trade agreement between the US, Mexico and Canada.
Public Citizen
Investor-State Dispute Settlement has become a significant concern for African nations, as it often privileges multinational corporations at the expense of local governance and public welfare.
Deccan Chronicle
US seeks India’s concessions on government procurement, farm subsidies, patent laws, and data flow restrictions in upcoming FTA talks.
The Manila Times
Montero confirms that US$7,000,000 in cash have been received by the Company from Tanzania, which is expected to put an end to the dispute in connection with Tanzania’s expropriation of Montero’s Wigu Hill rare earth element project.
Nation Thailand
Thailand and the European Union are making significant progress on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), aiming for completion by year-end. Key aspects of the negotiations include finalized chapters on regulatory practices and transparency, discussions on workforce development, environmental cooperation, and Thailand’s OECD aspirations.