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RP-based Korean firms seek free trade deal
Korean investors want more liberal trade between South Korea and the Philippines through a regional free trade agreement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations as a meeting among economic ministers in the region approaches.
Kenya: Govt should be cautious in free trade negotiations
To many sugarcane-dependent families in western Kenya, January 2008 will come with adverse consequences to livelihoods and life itself as Kenya joins more efficient sugar producers in the free market regimes of COMESA and EPA.
Costa Rica urged to fess up FTA survey
The Pro-Liberation Front against the Central America Free Trade Agreement-Dominican Republic (CAFTA-DR) demanded the Costa Rican government publish results of a poll it commissioned about the level of public support for the agreement.
FTA with Australia not moving as fast it should be, says Rafidah
The conclusion of negotiations for the Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement may take longer than expected as Malaysia cannot agree to Australia’s requests which go beyond the World Trade Organisation agenda, International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said Monday.
ASEAN urged to make progress on trade deals with China, SKorea, Japan
Southeast Asia must ratify free trade deals with China and South Korea and make progress on a similar accord with Japan, as the region prepares its own free-trade zone, the Philippine government said Monday.
GCC is fast becoming a regional trading bloc due to recent FTA talks
The six-nation GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) is fast becoming a regional trading bloc as more countries now want to forge free trade agreements (FTA) with it following its trade negotiations with China and India.
The economic integration of SAARC
By observing the overall mood at the 14th SAARC summit that was held in New Delhi in April of 2007, one might sense that a change in the perception about SAARC may be occurring.
Trade deficit in food safety
Public Citizen has published a new report on the connection between trade agreements that limit US food safety policies to facilitate trade and the growing safety threat posed by US food imports
Peru, China to negotiate FTA early 2008
Peru and China will begin negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in the first months of 2008
China deal hurting farm sector
A new study finds that more than 100,000 Thai farming families cannot compete with cheap Chinese produce dumped in the market under Thailand’s FTA with China.
US-Peru economic relations and the US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
A Congressional Research Service report for US Congress
Orchardists oppose Chile free trade plans
Australian orchardists say thousands of jobs and millions of dollars could be lost if the Federal Government signs a free trade agreement with Chile.
Concluding the Economic Partnership Agreements: prospects and challenges for the Central Africa (CEMAC) regional negotiating group
On Monday 16 July 2007, EU and CEMAC Negotiators met in Yaounde to advance on the EPA negotiations. On the sideline of the meeting was a public manifestation by CSOs of the region to rise public awareness and especially that of the EU Negotiators on the likely impacts on EPAs on the development prospects of the region.
Australia, Indonesia to look into possible free trade agreement
Australia’s prime minister said he wants to discuss the possibility of setting up a free trade agreement with Indonesia when he meets with the country’s president on Friday.
UK exporters losing out over EU’s protracted Free Trade Agreements with Gulf nations
UK businesses are increasingly likely to lose out to the US on valuable Gulf export opportunities because it is taking so long for the EU to negotiate a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the region’s key states, says Trowers & Hamlins, the international law firm.
Costa Rica opposition leader calls for renegotiation of Cafta
The top opposition leader in Costa Rica said he wants to renegotiate a free-trade agreement with the US, citing as a precedent the US revamping of a similar agreement with Peru.
The Australia-Japan FTA negotiations: What do they really mean?
Ono Kazuoki, veteran of Japanese and Asian farmer movements, comments on the projected Australia-Japan FTA.
BusinessEurope position on the EU-Korea free-trade agreement
BUSINESSEUROPE would like to see an agreement based on full coverage, full reciprocity and effective market access for industrial goods, ambitious services liberalisation of as many sectors as possible, strong rules to foster and protect investments, and strong rules on trade facilitation, competition and public procurement.
KoA’s Action Team finishes ten days of intense struggle
The struggle against the Korea-US FTA faces the difficult challenge of stopping its ratification.
Biofuels FTAs menace CentAm ag
The future of Central American agriculture is threatened by developed countries’ demand for biofuels and US-sponsored free trade agreements.