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Articles by language

Uribe, back in Washington, lobbies for trade accord
Colombian President Alvaro Uribe will press reluctant US lawmakers today for a free-trade accord as concern mounts at home that without a treaty, the country may see resurgent rebel violence and drug trafficking.
Japanese check in to Thai hospitals
More Japanese nationals will receive medical treatment at Thailand’s private hospitals in 2007, according to a new survey conducted by Kasikorn Research Centre.
CAFTA referendum in Costa Rica postponed
The Supreme Elections Tribunal (TSE) announced yesterday that it is postponing a nationwide referendum on the Central American Free-Trade Agreement with the United States (CAFTA) from Sept. 23 to Oct. 7 as a high court examines whether the assembly violated its procedures in its handling of legislation related to the pact.
Nelson Seeks Action in Face of Resumed South Korean Beef Ban
This week, South Korea once again instituted a blanket ban on U.S. beef imports after a paperwork error led to U.S. beef intended for domestic consumption to be sent to South Korea. Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson today announced that he would seek a U.S. response to the South Koreans’ action.
Canada "back in the game" with EFTA trade deal
Canada and four European nations have completed negotiations for a free trade agreement, the country’s trade minister said on Thursday, saying Ottawa needs to seal more such deals to compete globally.
Gloria pushes free trade between Asean, Europe
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has expressed confidence that the long-awaited Free Trade Agreement between the economic power bloc of the European Union and the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations can be concluded in November.
‘S. Korea-US Alliance Manifested in FTA’
The half-century Korea-U.S. military alliance will continue to evolve throughout the 21st century because of the two countries’ ``convergence of national interests’’ beyond security issues, the top U.S. military officer said.
Controversial Philippine-Japan free trade deal not to be approved in 13th Congress
The controversial Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement, the free trade deal signed between Manila and Tokyo, will have to wait for the next Congress for ratification, as the document is not included in agenda in the last three plenary sessions of the 13th Congress of the Philippines this week.
Will EU break promise to poor?
Letter to the Editors, Financial Times, 25 May 2007, on the proposed intellectual property provisions of the EPAs.
June 11th in DC: People’s Forum on the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement
Monday, June 11th, a free People’s Forum on the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement will be held in Washington DC - All are welcome!
Business fights for Colombia deal, labor pushes back
Business is gearing up for a huge fight over the Colombia free-trade agreement (FTA) as Colombian President Alvaro Uribe heads to Washington for the second consecutive month to lobby for the controversial pact.
Serbia tobacco action plan leads to CEFTA ratification in September
The Serbian Economy Ministry announced earlier this week that the country would ratify the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) in September, ending its status as the only country in the region not to have done so.
Philippines Pushing For EU-ASEAN Free Trade
Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo expressed confidence that the long-awaited Free Trade Agreement between the economic power bloc of the European Union and the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations can be concluded during the Asean Summit in November.
Vietnam, US forge precursor to free trade deal
Vietnam and the US have concluded negotiations for a pact that could set the stage for a free trade agreement, a source told Thanh Nien Wednesday.
David and Goliath
The title refers to the possibility of David, Caricom, endeavouring to negotiate a Free Trade Area (FTA) with Goliath, the United States. There has been a general criticism that the language used in reporting international trade matters is not readily understood by the average reader. As far as possible therefore, this article is couched in colloquial language.
USTR Schwab defends Korea FTA from auto industry criticism
A top U.S. trade negotiator on Tuesday disputed American auto industry criticism of a free trade agreement (FTA) with South Korea, saying it was a "myth" to believe the pact works against carmakers.
Korea’s U.S. Trade Treaty Could Pave Way for Canadian Pact
Canadian trade officials will be carefully examining the free trade agreement recently inked by South Korea and the United States and applying any lessons learned to their own ongoing negotiations with the Asian country.
Malaysia Places 412 Tariff Lines Under Asean-Korea FTA
Malaysia has placed 412 tariff lines under the sensitive track in the tariff liberalisation programme of the Asean-Korea Free Trade (AKFTA), which took effect from this month.
U.S. health expert warns Korea about effects of FTA
What would happen if a government’s policy for public health comes under siege by lawsuits from foreign companies?
Colombia: teachers and students in national mobilization
Some 250,000 Colombian teachers and students and their supporters held marches on May 30 to protest a proposed Law of Transferences and a National Development Project (PND) that they say will cut funding for education and teachers’ pensions, as well as a "free trade" agreement (FTA, or TLC in Spanish) with the US.