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China, Pakistan to cut tariffs
China and Pakistan will next month begin reducing tariffs on one another’s imports, in line with the two countries’ Free Trade Agreement (FTA), according to a senior Chinese trade official.
Costa Rica, free trade fewer jobs
Costa Rica’s PAC party (Citizen Action) president Otton Solis has warned of the potential increase in unemployment if CAFTA-DR, the free trade treaty with the United States, is approved.
Stop the EPAs, Oxfam, Panos tell African leaders
Social movements across the African Continent have started arriving in Accra for the 9th Ordinary Summit of the African Union, scheduled for July 2-3, 2007.
India, EU start talks on FTA
As part of its policy to push for Free Trade Agreements with major trading partners, India has formally launched negotiations with the European Union for an ambitious and comprehensive FTA aimed at removing barriers across all sectors including investment and services.
Panamanians protest US trade deal
Groups of students, professionals, and unions in Panama are protesting the signing Thursday of a free trade agreement with the US, for considering it an affront to the country s sovereignty and dignity.
South Korea, US agree on changes to free trade deal
South Korea has accepted a U.S. request to add new labour and environmental provisions to a trade deal they reached in April and will sign the pact by a Saturday deadline, the prime minister said.
US, Panama sign free trade pact just in time
The United States and Panama signed a free trade agreement on Thursday with only a few days to spare before key US legislation expires.
South Korea to spend $140 bln for US trade deal
South Korea will spend more than 130 trillion won ($140.3 billion) through 2013 to compensate for losses to farms and fisheries stemming from a free trade deal with the United States, the government said on Thursday.
US offers Canberra a Doha fallback over trade
Australia could be invited to join the North American Free Trade Agreement as part of a strategy among Asia-Pacific nations to deal with the collapse of world trade talks.
Overcome political issues to boost regional economy
Indian Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon yesterday urged India’s smaller neighbours to overcome political issues to become stakeholders in the India-led regional economic growth by dismantling trade and road and water transport barriers.
US, Colombia agree on amendments to free trade agreement
The US and Colombia reached agreement today on amendments to a bilateral free-trade accord sought by the Democratic-controlled Congress, the US government said.
EPA yet to set quota for Indonesian workers
Final draft of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between Indonesia and Japan has not ruled a quota for Indonesian skilled workers to be employed in Japan, an Indonesiantop official said Saturday.
Under EPA, RI must improve Japan’s business confidence
With the planned signing of an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with Japan , one of the important things Indonesia will have to do is to improve Japan’s business confidence (in Indonesia), an Indoneisan trade official said.
Race-based policy spoils EU-Malaysian ties
Unexpected criticism of Malaysia’s race-based affirmative-action policy by the European Union’s top envoy reveals underlying concerns that this could be a major stumbling block to unrestricted market access for European multinational firms in the region.
Metalworkers continue massive strike
Tens of thousands of unionized metalworkers were poised to stage a strike Thursday for a fourth consecutive day to oppose a proposed free trade deal between South Korea and the United States.
Hyundai workers on strike against FTA
Workers at South Korea’s top automaker Hyundai Motor launched a partial strike on Thursday to join an industry-wide walkout in protest at a free trade agreement with the United States.
Report evaluates decade of EU-Jordanian cooperation
Ten years of mutual cooperation between Jordan and the European Union have passed with success in certain fields and disappointing results in others, according to an EU evaluation report released on Wednesday. The Kingdom’s benefit from EU programmes laid down in the Barcelona process were dismal in the trade sector, according to the report.
US House OKs 8-month Andean trade benefit extension
The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved an eight-month extension of long-standing trade benefits for Andean countries, potentially setting the stage for approval of a free trade pact with Peru and a contentious debate on a deal with Colombia.
FTAs uncorking big changes in Korea’s wine market
The Korean wine industry expects the Korea-EU free trade agreement will cause a third seismic shift in Korea’s imported wine market.
US House set to vote on extending Andean trade preferences
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote today on a plan to extend trade preferences for Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia for eight months.