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Dominican Republic, Grand Caribbean headed for free trade
The Central American Integration System’s (SICA) 22 member countries and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) last Saturday have announced the start of negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement between the two blocs as a first step to continue advancing towards an association pact.
AfroColombians oppose free trade agreement
Ana Valencia still tries to eke out a living as a miner in the hills near the headwaters of Colombia’s Rio Salvajina. Her sisters are gone now to the nearest city of Cali, where they work as domestics. She’s having a hard time hanging on.
GCC FTAs: Dead ends or new beginnings?
What do the Gulf Cooperation Council countries want from FTAs?
Bipartisan trade deal: full text
Full text of the bipartisan trade deal reached between the US’ Democrat-led Congress and the Bush Administration
Japan, Switzerland launch FTA talks
Switzerland is the first European country with which Japan negotiates an FTA.
Agreement on ’Trade in Goods’ in the proposed ASEAN-Japan economic pact to be finalized November
On the contentious issue of transboundary movement of toxic waste, which inclusion in the JPEPA had caused an uproar locally, Philippine Trade Secretary Peter B Favila said it is likely that the same provision would be carried in the Japan-ASEAN trade deal.
Letter from Lebanon: Farmers risk losing big
As Lebanon heads down the fast track to trade liberalisation, some commentators are predicting a devastating impact on small-holder farmers. Unable even to sell produce on the Lebanese market let alone for export, farmers are painfully unprepared to compete with subsidised imports. Yet little is being done to fortify the agricultural industry as the fruits of major bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) and liberalising reforms loom on the near horizon.
Korea hopeful of trade pact with India by Dec
South Korea hopes to wrap up a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with India by December 2007. The CEPA would encompass trade in goods and services and investment.
Ecuador maintains no to free trade with the US
The visit of US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte to Ecuador has reconfirmed the government of Rafael Correa’s rejection of negotiating a free trade agreement with Washington, reported Prensa Latina.
Teamsters oppose trade deal that sells out American workers
Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa released the following statement today about new trade policy guidelines forged by House Democratic leaders in Congress and the Bush administration:
Duty free bloc lifts value of Comesa trade to Sh420bn
Trade among the 19 Comesa member states is currently worth more than Sh420 billion.
Call to secure EU-Gulf free trade deal
Foreign Minister Michael Frendo has urged the successful conclusion of negotiations on a free trade agreement between the European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council.
Free trade agreement with Malaysia soon
In a major breakthrough, Pakistan and Malaysia have decided to announce the much-awaited deal for free trade agreement (FTA) during the visit of Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz to Kuala Lumpur scheduled for May 27-29.
National interests need to be top priority in Korea-EU FTA
Korea and the European Union have finished their first round of free trade talks. They have agreed to the basic principle of eliminating tariffs on 95 percent of all their products and on industrial products in ten years. We hope to see these negotiations be prudent and thoroughly about looking after Korea’s interest, which was not the case with FTA talks with the United States, which were forced through by a ticking clock set by the other side.
US may seek FTA renegotiations on labor, environment
Washington plans to demand renegotiations on several areas of the Korea-US free trade agreement (FTA) signed on April 2, according to US media reports.
Teachers’ union cries foul over ministry’s FTA publications
The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development last week delivered materials to local educational offices to encourage them to promote the Korea-U.S. FTA, a move which has brought criticism from Korea’s teachers’ union, which says the move is biased and one-sided in nature.
’New trade policy for America’
The agreement announced today is a fundamental shift in US trade policy and clears the way for broad, bipartisan congressional support for the Peru and Panama FTAs.
ROC, Honduras, El Salvador sign trilateral FTA
Taiwan, El Salvador and Honduras signed a trilateral free trade agreement in San Salvador May 7. Taiwan’s fourth such agreement with Central American countries, the FTA was expected to boost trade among the three countries, ROC Minister of Economic Affairs Chen Ruey-long said in a May 5 report by Taiwan’s Central News Agency.
Burmese junta prepares for FTA talks with EU
Asean and the European Union have agreed to allow Burma to participate in free trade agreement talks with the EU, amid signs the military junta is preparing to highlight what it claims are recent democratic advancements.