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FMLN Renegotiates FTA
The Salvadorian Farabundo Marti Front for National Liberation (FMLN) seeks on Sunday an alliance to renegotiate the Free Trade Agreement with United States. Only a year of being implemented, that agreement damaged the agricultural sector, small and middle companies, disarticulate productivity even more and increased trade deficit for a rise in imports, compared to exports, they stated.
Nicaragua seeks FTA with CARICOM
Nicaragua has began the negotiations to establish a free trade agreement with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), according to Nicaraguan Promotion, Industry, and Trade Minister Horacio Brenes.
Korea, US agree to exclude rice from FTA
South Korea and the United States have in principle agreed to exclude rice from their free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Sunday.
FTA with US will not help garment industry, says US trade specialist
A free trade agreement with the US will not guarantee a competitive advantage for Sri Lankan garments in the US, says a US trade law specialist.
SAFTA could increase drug trafficking in region: INCB
A negative fallout of the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) agreement could be an increase in the narcotic traffic in the region, said Dr MM Bhatnagar, member of the International Narcotic Control Board (INCB).
High standards of IP protection in MUFTA attracts FDI
Malaysia is currently in negotiations with the United States for a Free Trade Agreement (MUFTA) which is expected to ease the way for attracting more foreign direct investment to Malaysia. Amongst the issues being negotiated is the strengthening of intellectual property rights (IPR) in Malaysia.
Singapore, Canada complete seventh round of FTA talks
Singapore and Canada have made "good" progress during the seventh round of talks for a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries, the city-state said Friday.
Arroyo to push ratification of controversial pact with Japan
Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on Friday said she will push for the ratification of the controversial Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) when the new Congress convenes in July.
EU aide worried by calls to drop India WMD clause
A senior European Union official expressed concern on Thursday about calls by some EU states to drop a clause on weapons of mass destruction from a trade and investment agreement planned with nuclear-armed India.
Taiwanese manufacturers thrive in Juárez
There was a time when a lot of our electronics were stamped "Made in Taiwan." These days, a lot of them are still made by Taiwanese companies but may be stamped "Made in Mexico."
Dominican Republic enters long-delayed trade deal with United States
The Dominican Republic made its long-awaited entry into a trade accord with the United States and Central American nations, leaving Costa Rica as the only signatory country where the deal has not taken effect.
Free trade agreement between US and South Korea is a lie
President Bush and South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun share many similarities.
Mercosur: South America’s fractious trade bloc
’Does Mercosur have a political agenda?’ asks the Washington-based Council on Foreign Affairs.
Peru: More suffering for informal economy
Labor Ministry’s meager efforts to protect workers keep informal laborers on the edge
Nicaragua’s Ortega asks US, EU to start free trade ’compensation funds’
"We have explained to the Europeans that if there is no compensation fund, the association (agreement) would have no future," Ortega told a meeting of businesspeople.
Too big a price to pay for an FTA
Letter from the Malaysian Organisation of Pharmaceutical Industries contesting the American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce’s claim that that the country’s generic medicine manufacturers will do better if the Malaysia-US free trade agreement is signed.
Gambia Social Forum condemns EU-EPA negotiations
The executive members of the Gambia Social Forum have condemned the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) that is being negotiated between the European Union and ECOWAS member states. They say that these proposed free trade agreements would exacerbate the current agricultural crisis that farmers already face, increase poverty, and violate human rights.
Philippines pursue US free-trade accord
According to the Philippines’ Department of Trade and Industry, the Philippines and the United States have agreed to pursue talks for a comprehensive free-trade agreement (FTA).
Pakistan may lose EU market as FTA rejected
The 25-country European Union - the biggest market for Pakistani products - is likely to be closed down for Pakistan, as the EU refused to sign a free trade agreement (FTA), arguing that the size of Pakistan’s economy is not enough for such a trade deal, a senior government official told The News.