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WTO’s Lamy warns over China’s pursuit of separate free trade agreements
WTO chief Pascal Lamy on Wednesday warned that China’s pursuit of separate bilateral and regional free trade agreements would harm its long-term commercial interests.
US, South Korea to begin third round of free-trade talks
The US and South Korea begin a third round of free-trade talks on Wednesday, hoping to make progress toward an accord that could be the biggest of its kind for the US since the North American Free Trade Agreement of 1993.
Bahrain-US free trade panel discusses future plans
The Bahrain-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Implementation Committee yesterday held its first meeting since the international trade agreement was ratified on August 1.
Implementing Free Trade before 2007 forces hefty agriculture imports
The possible implementation of the Free Trade Agreement with the United States before the year ends will compel the Dominican Republic to authorize hefty import quotas of products in the agribusiness sector, and which could cause an exceeding supply that may jeopardize local producers.
The real understanding of the KorUS FTA
Korean Alliance against the KorUS FTA (KoA) published a brief on the KorUS FTA. It offers a real understanding of the KorUS FTA.
Korea-US FTA and rush to neoliberalism
This essay mainly will identify what is problematic in the negotiation process, its structural import and a negative legacy to be left us from now onwards.
Changes sought in Vietnam trade pact
As the US textile industry’s Washington-based lobbyists continue with their efforts to get modifications in the US-Vietnam bilateral trade agreement, the National Council of Textile Organizations issued a statement saying Vietnam’s textile and apparel imports to the United States are growing faster than those of any other country.
’Vision group’ says Asean and EU regions would benefit from pact
Burma and the US elections are singled out as sticking points.
Malaysian free trade talks bogged down
New Zealand’s free trade talks with Malaysia have become bogged down over differences about how much access should be given to service industries.
TDRI moots fund to support the ’victims’ of free-trade pacts
The Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) has proposed that the government collect an adjustment fund from the beneficiaries of free-trade agreements in order to compensate those who suffer in the early stages of their implementation.
Cape Verde wants to negotiate economic partnership with EU outside of ECOWAS
The government of Cape Verde said Monday that it had abandoned the agreement established as part of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and plans to negotiate directly with the European Union (EU) for an economic partnership agreement.
Singapore’s FTAs are standby if global trade talks fail: MM Lee
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew has explained that Singapore’s free trade agreements with the countries it has sealed with so far are a stand by if the Doha round of multilateral talks does not succeed.
American critics blast S Korean-US trade talks
American opponents of a proposed South Korean-US free trade accord on Monday accused the deal of devastating the lives of workers in both countries, while benefiting only big businesses.
Iraq, Iran set up free-trade zone
The southern Province of Basra now has a free-trade zone with neighboring Iran, signaling yet another boost in commercial ties.
South Korea reiterates rice should be excluded from free trade talks with US
South Korea insisted Monday its rice market should be exempt from a proposed free trade agreement with the United States, inviting a showdown on one of the most sensitive areas of talks between the economic powerhouses.
Farmers must have a say in talks on free trade agreements
Thai farmers and small-scale manufacturers should be allowed to participate in negotiations for free trade agreements (FTAs) to ensure their survival, says a Khao Sod editorial.
UK opposition leader proposes EU-India free trade deal
The leader of the UK’s main opposition Conservative Party, David Cameron, has proposed the idea of an EU-Indian free trade pact if the Doha round of global trade talks fails.
Korean FTA delegates leave for the US
Korean delegates to Korea-US free trade negotiations are leaving for the US city of Seattle on Monday afternoon for the third round of negotiations.
FTAs won’t stop subtle forms of discrimination
A reflexive response to a difficult question is to say that it’s a good question. The ruse provides time for the person questioned to come up with an answer, or avoid embarrassment, or to plainly gloss it over.