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India, look ahead: A two-pronged strategy for boosting trade
The current state of play in the Doha Round negotiations underlines the importance of stronger bilateral and regional trading agreements for India. As of now, India has concluded trading agreements with Sri Lanka, Thailand and Singapore. In the regional context, Safta and Bimstec are yet to really takeoff.
US ’Big Brother’ attitude in FTAs draws criticism
Arabs attending a conference in Bahrain blasted yesterday Washington’s "Big Brother" attitude in bilateral Free Trade Agreements, saying they are political tools to serve US interests rather than enhance economic prosperity in the region.
Singapore-Panama FTA on track for progress
Singapore’s plans to sign a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Panama remain on track.
Democrats and labor leaders balk at lack of workers rights under CAFTA
Democratic members of Congress and labor leaders say they want the Bush administration to move away from CAFTA’s failed trade model or face another tough battle in Congress.
Goff calls for APEC FTA progress, Doha pressure
Noting that a "spaghetti bowl of rules" would result from multiple bilateral free trade agreements among APEC members, Minister of Trade Phil Goff has called for coherence between FTAs in the region.
Understanding FTAs: going back to the basics
Despite being a late starter in pursuing bilateral free trade agreements, Korea has been actively seeking Free Trade Agreement talks with its trading partners around the world.
ADB, RBI for FTA between India and Mekong nations
Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Thursday advocated that India should go in for a free trade agreement (FTA) with China and five other nations in the Mekong region to sustain high growth.
Attracting FDI through the spread of free trade agreements
This paper shows how free trade agreements (FTAs) in Southeast Asia are essentially a means to secure foreign direct investment (FDI) at the expense of labour standards. It explores the significance of FDI in export-oriented industrialisation and for economic transformation in Southeast Asia, with emphasis on the increasing global competition for FDI.
Peruvian farmers buck FTA with US
Two important Peruvian agricultural organizations march Wednesday against president Alejandro Toledo’s negotiations for a free trade agreement with the US.
Is an ’FTAA Lite’ a real possibility?
Most of the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean want a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), even in a less ambitious form, as opposed to a handful of nations - albeit an economically powerful minority - that reject the idea.
Chilean FM breaks FTA date with Japan
Chilean Foreign Minister Ignacio Walker suspended Tuesday a visit to Japan to discuss a free trade agreement as a result of Peruvian ex-President Alberto Fujimori’s arrival in the country, local media said on Tuesday.
UAE and US in third round FTA negotiations
The UAE and US will resume their FTA negotiations on the 12 through the 16 of November in London.
S’pore benefits to all under new Bipa
Pre-establishment national treatment to foreign investors in India, now a prerogative of Singapore-based entities, will soon be a generic benefit India would offer all eligible investors under the bilateral investment protection agreements (Bipas).
US links beef import to FTA with South Korea
Alexander Vershbow, Washington’s top diplomat to Seoul, said Tuesday that South Korea’s lifting of the ban on US beef could trigger talks on a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA).
US exports to Arab nations may touch new highs
With many Arab nations going ahead with their plans to sign free-trade agreements (FTAs) with the US, trade and industry associations are projecting extraordinary growth in US exports to the Arab world in the years to come.
Chile seeks FTAs with 11 Asian countries
After the negotiations on a possible Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China, the Chilean government already started a route to conquer the rest of the market in the Asia-Pacific region. The list has 11 countries.
Fox wants Mexico in the Mercosur in 2006
On the final day of the 4th Summit of the Americas, in Mar del Plata, Argentina, the president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, said that he is negotiating his country’s entry into the Mercosur in the middle of next year.
Despite FTAA defeat at Americas Summit, free trade to be imposed on Colombians
In the aftermath of the U.S. failure in Argentina, the Bush administration continues to work for bilateral or sub-regional free trade agreements throughout the Americas.
No pax americana
Indigenous movements are indeed a threat to the free-trade policies Bush is hawking, with ever fewer buyers, across Latin America. Their power comes not from terror but a terror-resistant strain of hope, so sturdy it can take root in the midst of Colombia’s seemingly hopeless civil war.
Bush says US and Panama close to free trade accord
President George W. Bush said on Monday the United States and Panama were close to completing a free trade agreement as he ended a Latin American tour that fell short of his goal of reviving talks on a hemispheric-wide trade zone.