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South Korea to discuss FTA with EFTA
South Korea will hold a second round of joint studies on a free trade agreement this week in with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which is made up of Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
Japan: FTA deals deadlocked
Japan’s separate negotiations with Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia and South Korea for bilateral free trade agreements have run into a brick wall.
Japan, Thailand to exclude rice from FTA
Japan and Thailand have agreed to leave out rice from a planned bilateral free trade agreement (FTA), a breakthrough that could see a deal agreed by the end of the year, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun said yesterday.
Thai civil groups want IP off trade-talks agenda with US
Civil groups yesterday called for intellectual property (IP) to be excluded from the second round of the Thai-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiation because of fears it would give unjustified protection to rich IP developers at the expense of Thais.
Tom Yam Swamp
The Indo-Thai FTA is great news, but who will it benefit?
Ghana national trade policy and Economic Partnership Agreements
While the ECOWAS governments and the European Commission are still agreeing the road map for the negotiations, EPAs have not been discussed fully with local stakeholders.
US business pushing for Middle East FTA
Major US corporations are joining forces to lobby for a US-Middle East Free Trade Agreement (MEFTA) that President George W Bush proposed in 2003.
Kuwait, Singapore agree FTA to include 4 main areas
Kuwait and Singapore have agreed that the free trade agreement between them will include four main areas of trade in goods, trade in services, investment and government procurement.
UAE, US move towards FTA
The United Arab Emirates and US made significant progress towards a Free Trade Agreement on Wednesday, paving the way for negotiations to start in the near future.
Seeds of change
Unable to get its own way through the World Trade Organisation, the EU is now shamelessly trying to corral some of the world’s poorest nations into bilateral trade agreements that would severely disadvantage them.
US-SACU trade deal: what’s in it for us?
In bilateral talks characterised by unequal power relations, the rich will force their will on the poor and the "development" element of trade deals will be diluted to the point of being meaningless. This is especially so when dealing with a country like the US that believes more trade, on its own, equals more development.
US-SACU trade talks grind to a halt
Free trade talks between the five members of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and the largest economy in the world have reached a dead end.
Comparing EU free trade agreements: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards
Sanitary and phytosanitary standards (SPS) are receiving increasing attention within the framework of international trade. SPS measures are meant to ensure that imports do not undermine national health and safety.
FTA could exacerbate Philippine nurse drain
As the Philippines strives to get Japan to allow in Filipino health-care workers under a free-trade agreement now under negotiation, the country itself could be moving rapidly toward a crisis in which patients suffer as health-care professionals move abroad.
Bilateral trade talks falter after enthusiastic starts
Bangladesh is yet to make any clear headway in its bilateral talks in free trade agreements with India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka as well as trade and investment framework agreement with the United States.
US envoy stresses need for FTA with Korea
U.S. Ambassador to Korea Christopher R. Hill called for the quick conclusion of a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) and the abolishment of the screen quota system during the General Membership Meeting with American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) Tuesday at Shilla Hotel in central Seoul.
Watch out beyond the WTO: The EU’s aggressive multi-level trade agenda
Is it really just the US which pushes its economic interests in fora outside the WTO? No! The European Commission as the power centre of EU trade policy is pursuing its own neo-liberal liberalisation and deregulation scheme multilaterally within the WTO and at the same time in regional and bilateral processes!