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China-ASEAN free trade area: Origins, developments and strategic motivations
This 2003 paper is a political study of the origins, developments and motivations on the Chinese side of the FTA, demonstrating its political, strategic, intellectual and economic basis.
Fashionable trade agreements all the rage in Asia
From Tokyo to Mumbai, FTAs - free-trade agreements - seem to be every Asian politician’s favorite new phrase these days.
Saif leaves to sign FTA deal
Finance and National Economy Minister Abdulla Saif left for Washington DC, US, yesterday to sign a Free Trade Agreement between Bahrain and the US tomorrow. Signing on behalf of the US will be Trade Representative Ambassador Robert Zoellick.
AmCham lauds IPR law revisions
In light of Taiwan’s efforts to improve intellectual property rights (IPR) protection, the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei (AmCham) yesterday said that it has been urging the US government to take action to remove Taiwan from its "Special 301 Priority Watch List" of IPR violators as quickly as possible.
Japan, Thailand launch fourth round of free trade talks
Japan and Thailand launched a fourth round of talks on Monday toward signing a free trade agreement that would tear down economic barriers between the two countries.
RENGO Report - requests regarding bilateral trade/investment agreements (2001)
A report from RENGO’s International Department (Japanese Trade Union Centre) about bilateral trade and investment agreements: Japan-Korea Investment Agreement; Japan - Singapore Free Trade Agreement (February 2001)
Trade deals must embrace APEC
Asia-Pacific free trade has to be front and centre of any bilateral trade deals struck in the region, a key American business leader says.
An India-US FTA: Free Trade for America?
There are rumours that the Congress-led Government is set to decide upon a potential free trade agreement (FTA) with the US government. Strong lobbies such as NASSCOM (National Association of Software Companies) are pushing an FTA for services with the belief that it will resolve their BPO (business process outsourcing) problems.
Uruguay secretly concluded a Bilateral Investment Agreement with the US
The Minister of the Economy, Isaac Alfie, and the US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick, concluded a Bilateral Investment Agreement without disclosing its contents to either the Uruguayan members of parliament or to the Uruguayan society as a whole.
Fear of losing out to China prompts FTA stampede
Panicking suddenly over the specter of being left behind by its Asian neighbors, Japan is rushing to conclude bilateral free-trade agreements, with ministers striving to get stalled talks restarted.
Our negotiators in the EPA with EU have to stand their ground
Negotiators in the expected Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) with European Union (EU) will have to stand their ground if they are to give Namibia a better deal from the EU, -more especially if they do not want to give the country a replica of the Free Trade Area (FTA) component, to which the country is already subjected, under the Trade Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA) that the EU has with South Africa.
’Singapore issues’ part of EU’s trade agenda: Lamy
Investment, competition policies, and transparency in government procurement emerged during a recent meeting between trade ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the European Union aimed at seeking ways to boost trade and economic cooperation between the two regions.
Fiji: NGOs want more consultation
Non-Governmental Organisation’s and regional civil society organizations are concerned that not enough thought is being given to trade agreements, says coordinator Stanley Simpson.
US economic and trade policy in the Middle East
Excerpts of the testimony by Alan P. Larson, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs, presented to the Senate Finance Committee on March 10, 2004.
The BIT network
The proliferation of Bilateral Investment Protection Treaties creates a network with anti-democratic and anti-social effects akin to MAI.
Mah: Malaysia is intensifying talks on FTA
Malaysia is raising efforts in negotiating for free trade agreements (FTA) with some of its major trading partners, said Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Mah Siew Keong Wednesday.
SACU, India in FTA discussions
As part of positioning itself in the global economy in the ever growing global village, the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) is contemplating fostering closer economic ties with India.
Fear grows as FTA looms
Canberra seems certain to press ahead with negotiations for a free trade agreement with China, possibly within a year, despite growing concerns from manufacturers.
Mayan Indians take control of Chixoy Dam
Mayans take control of Dam in Guatemala and demand retribution for massacres and a stop to construction of new hydro electric dams along the river.