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POLICY REVERSAL: Green light for GMOs
Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday bestowed the government’s tacit blessing on the planting and trading of genetically modified (GM) crops by revoking an earlier ban on their commercial use, in defiance of wide opposition from farmers, environmentalists and consumer networks.
Peru-Thailand FTA on course
Peru’s Vice Minister of Foreign Trade Pablo de la Flor was in Bangkok earlier this week for the third round of free-trade agreement talks between Thailand and Peru.
End Days to Cheap Drugs With U.S. Trade Deal
Australia’s ratification of a free trade agreement with the United States has sparked warnings that it represents a major win for the U.S. drug industry in blocking generic manufacturers and undermining the country’s internationally acclaimed system for lowering pharmaceutical prices.
Why We Want an FTA with China (Australia)
Last week in Sydney, a valuable conference co-sponsored by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade revealed one Government priority that is hardly its best-kept secret. Now that the US free trade agreement has been pocketed, the Government is determined to negotiate a free trade agreement with China, and will pay what it takes to get it.
Zollick letter on territorial coverage of US-Morocco FTA
"The FTA will cover trade and investment in the territory of Morocco as recognized internationally, and will not include Western Sahara."
Hold your breath
Arabs have been trying for decades to establish some sort of economic cooperation between them, but without much luck.
RI prepares 50-item FTA with US
The government has proposed 50 products and commodities as the initial focus of a possible future free trade agreement (FTA) between the country and the U.S., according to a senior official at the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Trade deal template for NZ
Australian Labor leader Mark Latham’s onslaught on the US free-trade deal has profound implications for New Zealand.
Sino FTA raise job loss concerns: Downer
A free trade deal between Australia and China would generate controversy because of its possible impact on Australian manufacturers, Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer said.
USTR statement on Australia’s amendments
We understand that the FTA implementing legislation and amendments pose important issues in Australia, just as they did in the United States.
Senate passes FTA deal amid US warning
The Coalition and Labor combined to pass the legislation after two weeks of debate in Senate, but the deal could still come unstuck if the US decides Australia’s supporting legislation including Labor’s amendments are not consistent with the agreement.
A heavy-duty vehicle for colonisation
John Maynard Keynes once reflected that his upbringing presumed free trade to be part of the moral law. More, he regarded departures from it as being ’’an imbecility and an outrage’’.
Selling off a slice of our country
The funny thing about the free trade agreement with the United States is that Australians and Americans see it as being about completely different things. Australia’s businesspeople see it as about eliminating the barriers to exports and imports between the two countries, which they regard as a good thing.
Australian Linux bodies blast US free-trade deal
Australia’s national open source industry body, OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia), and Linux Australia have spoken out about their concerns over the proposed Australian-US Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA), warning that the legal framework of the intellectual property clauses will put the entire Australian software development industry at risk.
Andean Nations Bet on Bio-Trade
"One of the key aspects of the free trade agreement that the United States is negotiating with Colombia, Ecuador and Peru refers to access to the biological wealth of the three South American nations."
FTA set to increase medicine prices
Kerryn Williams spoke to David Henry, clinical pharmacology professor at Newcastle University and former Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee member, about how the proposed US-Australia Free Trade Agreement will undermine the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, and increase the price of medicine.
UE-Mercosur: reinician negociaciones para acuerdo de libre comercio
La Unión Europea y el Mercosur inician hoy en Brasilia el último tramo de negociaciones técnicas con el objetivo de destrabar las diferencias y alcanzar un acuerdo bilateral de libre comercio antes del 30 de octubre, plazo fijado por el cronograma.
US lukewarm to trade pact with RP
The United States appears uninclined to forge a bilateral free trade agreement with the Philippines, citing the latter’s seeming inability to make good its commitments.
RP studies free-trade agreement with US
The government is set to pursue plans to enter into an economic partnership or free-trade agreement with its largest trading partner the United States, Trade Undersecretary Thomas Aquino said.
Thousands in Panama protest free trade talks
Thousands of students, activists and farmers marched through downtown Panama City Thursday to protest U.S.-Panama free trade talks taking place in another part of the city.