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Thailand: Opposition to bilateral trade agreement grows strong
Trade and consumers’ right activists who were at the forefront campaigning on FTA, called on the government to reveal all the terms and conditions of Tafta, voicing their grave concern that the local farm sector appear to be the losers while the winners are a handful of Thai big businessmen.
US free trade initiatives & their implications for the multilateral trading system
The rationale for regional integration between two or more countries would suggest that such agreements would need to be based on substantial trading interests.
Bilateral investment agreements: Agents of new global standards for the protection of IPRs?
Developing countries have entered into a large number of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) as well as free trade agreements (FTAs) that include explicit obligations for the protection of intellectual property rights as "investments".
Drug spat stalls Australia-US free trade deal
A long-awaited Australia-US free trade agreement (FTA) hit a new snag in Canberra, just hours after US President George W. Bush reaffirmed Washington’s commitment to a pact he called "a milestone in the history of our alliance".
Hotline invites views on US-Bahrein FTA
People can now have their say on Bahrain’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the US.
What’s the big deal?
John Garnaut cuts through the politics of the free trade agreement with the United States to find the winners and losers.
Vannessa drops all Las Cristinas Venezuelan appeals
In order to meet the requirements to submit its Las Cristanas dispute to international arbitration, junior explorationist Vanessa Ventures [VV] of Calgary, Alberta, has dropped five appeals to Venezuela’s Supreme Tribunal of Justice.
BIMSTEC Summit Declaration
Following is the text of the declaration issued at the conclusion of the first BIMSTEC summit here Saturday
BIMSTEC: New Asian free trade area up by 2017
Leaders of seven Asian nations at a summit here have endorsed the start of talks for a free trade pact by 2017, with Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra urging them to use their inherent strength to become more than just a ’small blip’ on the world’s radar screen.
Seoul film industry rallies to keep quota
A star-studded film about two brothers caught on opposite sides of the Korean War broke all box-office records here this year.
’Free’ trade beyond the WTO
Welcome to the brave new world of “Free” Trade. This is a world that extends beyond the World Trade Organisation. This may be difficult to comprehend, but the fact of the matter is that global capital, led by the US government, seeks more and more to tread where even the WTO did not.
India will review FTA’s, says PM
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday made his maiden foray into the foreign policy realm by announcing a review of the various Foreign Trade Agreements (FTAs) signed by the previous BJP-led NDA government.
URGENT: Stay GE-Free: Reject the US-Australia FTA
If Howard and Bush’s so-called ’free trade’ deal is confirmed by the Australian parliament and senate (WHICH CAN ONLY HAPPEN IF THE ALP VOTES WITH THE GOVERNMENT), genetically engineered crops and foods will be forced down our throats and onto our farms, and our hopes for GE-free Australia will end!!
India to take re-look at free trade pact with Thailand
India will take a hard re-look at the free trade agreement with Thailand which the Vajpayee Government initiated last year.
Thailand: Govt accused of lying about drugs in FTA Trade pact
The government lied when it said it would exclude medicines from the list of products included under the prospective freetrade agreement between Thailand and the United States, a seminar was told yesterday.
Libya gets go-ahead for WTO talks
The World Trade Organisation has given the green light for Libya to begin talks on becoming a member. The decision, which received US backing at a meeting in Geneva, is the latest sign of Libya’s rehabilitation in the international community.
US, Oman sign TIFA, agree to begin FTA negotiations
The United States and the Gulf state of Oman July 7 signed an agreement aimed at promoting bilateral trade and investment and agreed to begin free trade negotiations later this year.
Dominican Republic to join proposed US-Central America trade pact
The Dominican Republic will join a proposed free-trade pact with the United States and five countries of Central America known as CAFTA, US officials said.
Thailand fails to deliver list of FTA demands
Thailand has failed to present a list of products it wants the government to remove from the items subject to Japanese import regulations, according to government sources.
Australia and Malaysia explore FTA
Australia and Malaysia have paved the way for a free trade agreement between the two countries.