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FTA ’first step to destroying PBS’
The Medical Journal of Australia, published by the Australian Medical Association, this week carries two articles claiming the free trade agreement (FTA) will undermine the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
M’sia to assess free trade deal prospects with Australia
Australia and Malaysia will examine the possibility of a free trade agreement today at a meeting of senior government officials, Trade Minister Mark Vaile’s office said.
Bilateral Treaties Undermine Rights
Bilateral trade treaties have hit stormy waters in recent weeks, drawing criticism from French President Jacques Chirac, a leading world economist and human rights groups alike.
Morocco gets US free trade deal
A free trade agreement between Morocco and the United States has come into immediate effect.
Tridge fears FTA patent war
One of Australia’s most recognised Linux developers, Dr Andrew Tridgell, has attacked the proposed Australia-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA), claiming it could pit local open source developers against Microsoft in a "patent war".
Australian Senate urged to block the FTA
Leading unions, doctors and welfare groups are urging the Senate to block the free trade agreement with the United States.
FTA: Empowers the rich and weakens the poor
The beginning of the nineties is defined by President Bush (Senior)’s call to establish a united continent for free trade. All countries will become rich by liberalizing their markets. The FTAAs will be a miracle.
How US is turning AIDS into big business
The reason for President Museveni’s renewed vigour to support US ideologies in the battle against HIV/Aids is becoming clearer after Bangkok, Thailand.
Taiwan: US trade envoy to examine IPR progress
Charles Freeman, assistant US trade representative for China affairs, is scheduled to meet officials at the Ministry of Economic Affairs today, marking the first trade talks between the two countries since October 2002, a government official said yesterday.
A debate about more than trade
It would be easy to dismiss the hesitation we see in Congress over the Bush administration’s proposed free trade agreement (FTA) with Morocco as just another chapter in the ongoing debate between free traders and protectionists.
FTA BACKLASH: Farmers petition the King
A leading farming group says it has petitioned His Majesty the King to call on the government to withdraw milk and dairy products from Thailand’s free-trade agreement (FTA) with Australia.
Philippines: Market access for fruits sought in FTA with Japan
The Department of Agriculture will work for a better market for tropical vegetables in a proposed Philippines-Japan free trade agreement (FTA) as Japan is believed to be more inclined to favor tropical vegetables grown by small farmers over tropical fruits grown by multinational companies that already widely dominate its market.
The disease of the day: Acute treatyitis
The efforts to establish global and regional ‘free trade’ agreements have met with considerable resistance. People around the world suffering the effects of so-called free trade have steadily built a movement to reject the dominant economic model.
FTA BACKLASH: Trade talk details to be revealed
Criticism of the free-trade agreement signed with Australia earlier this month has prompted the Commerce Ministry to set up a committee to monitor impacts.
Free trade with Malaysia chokes on car protection
Japan plans to ask Malaysia to abandon protection of its domestic car industry during free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations this week, government sources have said.
Why Latham should reject the FTA
This so-called free trade agreement is a humiliating sell-out, says Tim Colebatch.
China-NZ: Trade deal rivalry heats up
New Zealand’s "first-mover" advantage with China will be put to the test in coming months as other countries try to jump the queue and open free-trade negotiations with the world’s most populous nation.
India-Thailand FTA: More linkage sought in tourism, hospitality
Bangkok and New Delhi are looking forward to developing further linkages in the areas of tourism and hospitality to widen economic co-operation under the Thailand-India bilateral free-trade agreement, according to high-ranking representatives of both countries.
Korea, American CEOs Call for BIT
South Korean and American business leaders on Friday agreed to urge their respective governments to step up efforts to form a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two nations and seek growth engines.
Mandatory checks on Chinese fruit
The Agriculture Ministry will soon require selected lots of apples and pears from China to pass mandatory tests for chemical residues, pests, micro-organisms and heavy metals before they can enter the country.