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Taiwan: New Cabinet gets policy lesson from Chen, Yu
President Chen Shui-bian and Premier Yu Shyi-kun gave speeches to more than 40 members of the new Cabinet during a two-day orientation program in picturesque Ilan County in late May. The educational trip was arranged to familiarize the new appointees with government policy for the next four years.
Divide and conquer: bilateral trade agreements
The free trade agreements that are being vigorously negotiated by the US are empowering corporations in a manner that places them at the top of a global hierarchy, matching their economic might with political rights that bypass processes of democratic decision making.
US and Central Asia sign regional TIFA
U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick and representatives from the five Central Asian countries, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, signed a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) today that will provide a forum to address trade issues and will help enhance trade and investment between the United States and Central Asia.
Thailand: FTA talks planned with Chile
Thailand will hold talks on forming a free-trade agreement (FTA) with Chile on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) trade ministers meeting on June 4-5.
US Treasury Dept pressures Costa Rica
The attached letter, pressuring Costa Rica to resolve two disputes in favour of US investors, has been denounced as a blackmail by local activists.
North Korea and Vietnam sign banking pact to boost trade
North Korea has signed a banking pact with Vietnam as it moves to boost bilateral trade with a fellow communist country, an official from North Korea’s embassy in Hanoi said today.
NGO Statement: Stop EU-ACP Free Trade Agreements
Since 2002 the European Union (EU) and countries of the Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific Group (ACP) have been negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).
FTA to boost US trade ties - Bahrain
Leading businessmen, investors and experts have termed the conclusion of Free Trade Agreement negotiations with the US a major development and opening of a new era of progress and development.
US-Bahrain FTA concluded
The United States and Bahrain struck a free-trade agreement (FTA) May 27 after four months of negotiations, prompting cheers from business leaders.
EU-Mercosur still far from ambitious trade pact
Talks to link the European Union and South America in one of the world’s largest trade pacts are in their final phase but pose difficult challenges on both sides of the Atlantic.
Free trade agreements and the transformation of global trade
The Cancun round of WTO negotiations in Mexico last year ended in disarray, prompting countries to seek other means of freeing up trade.
China-New Zealand trade framework agreement signed
China’s Commerce Minister has described the first formal step towards a Free Trade Agreement with New Zealand as a historic moment for his country.
Rules of origin need proper perspective under trade pacts
Rules of origin (RoI) are emerging as one of the most important issues in the context of preferential trading relations of a country. They are a set of instruments, a lack of consensus on which can, and have, delayed several agreements on trade.
Mexico free trade founders on Japan’s farmers
The failure of bilateral trade talks between Mexico and Japan on October 16 has shocked both sides, particularly Japan. The talks foundered on the question of what to do about Japan’s farmers, among the most highly subsidized in the world and the power base of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
Korea’s FTA conundrum
After a protracted courtship, Korea and Japan finally agreed last month to start negotiations on a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA).
Taiwan: Cabinet to set up special task force for US FTA talks
The Cabinet will set up a special task force to handle the signing of a free-trade agreement (FTA) with the US in a bid to speed up the trade negotiations that have been stalled since the beginning of last year, Premier Yu Shyi-kun announced yesterday.
MTD Capital wins case against Chile
MTD Capital Bhd has won in its legal dispute against the government of Chile in respect of its investment in a housing project in the country.
Stop the Central American Free Trade Agreement!
Our Congressional representatives and Senators will be in their home districts from May 24 to 31. As U.S. citizens we need to hold our elected officials responsible and call on them to vote against the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).
Harken v. Costa Rica: US companies employ blackmail in ’free trade’ with Central America
Nearly two years ago, Costa Rican nationals and admirers thought they’d been given reason to rest easy. In May 2002, responding to a large-scale mobilization of the country’s environmentalists, President Abel Pacheco announced a moratorium on oil exploration and open-pit mining in Costa Rica.
Can trade be a lever for reforms in the Middle East?
Testimony by David L. Mack in Hearings of the US Senate Finance Committee, published by the Daily Star, Beirut, Lebanon, in a two-part series on 27-28 May 2004