The Express Tribune
Washington DC’s District Court has dismissed Pakistan’s motions for stay enforcement of $6 billion award against the country in Reko Diq case.
Natural Gas World
It now says legislators are amending Slovenia’s mining law to further restrict "all forms of hydraulic stimulation", and this could increase damages it is due under its arbitration claim.
New Age Bangladesh
Bangladesh and Japan would explore scopes for signing a free trade agreement for boosting bilateral trade, investment and economic cooperation.
No to the free trade regime! Solidarity-based practice for a right to food sovereignty! Strengthen local, small-scale agriculture! Actively prevent hunger crises! WTO waiver 2.0!
Sidera Consult
The Free Trade Agreement between Brazil and Chile went into effect on January 25. It is an additional protocol to Chile’s Free Trade Agreement with Mercosur.
Climate Change Counsel
In 2021-22, Climate Change Counsel conducted a study of arbitral awards rendered under the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT).
Financial Express
The move came after commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal held talks with his Canadian counterpart Mary Ng, as part of the fifth ministerial dialogue on trade & investment.
Financial Tribune
A new round of free trade agreement talks between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union will be held in Tehran, according to the head of Trade Promotion Organization.
The Sun Daily
The government is taking steps to resume negotiations on the Malaysia-European Union Free Trade Agreement (MEUFTA).
UK Government
The Express Tribune
Islamabad wants more concessions exclusive to its products.