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The real cause and the hard cure for the “regulatory chill” of international investment agreements
The solution to the “regulatory chill” problem lies not in the cosmetic amendments to IIAs but in “supranational” legal regimes providing for full convergence of international investment law and human rights.
Turkey is the latest victim of a billion-dollar corporate heist
A Canadian mining company is suing Turkey for $1 billion at a secretive arbitration court over the cancellation of a mine project that was deemed disastrous for the environment.
Mexico should follow other countries and refuse excessive powers for foreign investors
Pakistan is the latest to start withdrawing from international treaties that give corporations the power to sue governments over environmental and public interest regulations.
Design and architecture of the AfCFTA investment protocol
The international legal instrument to be adopted as the AfCFTA Protocol on Investment will constitute a binding international agreement for the AU Member States that have ratified this instrument and for whom it has entered into force.
Regional Economic Communities and the AfCFTA investment protocol
The legal regimes of the eight Regional Economic Communities (RECs) recognised by the AfCFTA Agreement as building blocks of the African Continental Free Trade Area will not disappear when the AfCFTA is implemented.
Kenya hires US firm to lobby trade deals with Washington
The Kenyan government has hired a US lobbying and public relations firm as it pushes to conclude trade agreement with Washington. Rational 360’s partners and senior employees consist of veterans of Presidents Clinton and Obama administrations.
Successor to EU-Africa Cotonou treaty marks ‘turning point’, says EU
The EU and African, Caribbean and Pacific Community on Thursday (15 April) finalised the successor to the Cotonou agreement, bringing a close to two and a half years of negotiations and repeated delays.
Could COVID-19 trigger ‘localizing’ of international investment arbitration?
This brief argues for the ‘localization’ of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) proceedings in host States and regions where the investment is actually located.
We need to rethink investment treaties to ensure a rapid and just energy transition
It’s time to reconsider investor-state dispute settlement; inaction risks rising costs of shifting from fossil fuels to green alternatives.
Indigenous peoples’ rights and large-scale development projects: Avoiding unexpected risks in the Americas
Indigenous populations often live in territories that are earmarked for construction projects, which may lead to inevitable friction with state governments and subsequently, developers and investors.
Liz Truss to turn up pressure on Australian government in bid to land trade deal
International trade secretary Liz Truss is preparing to pile pressure onto her Australian counterpart in a bid to land a free trade deal.
Indonesia, Iran aim to finalize preferential trade agreement
Indonesia and Iran highlighted the need to finalize a trade agreement between the two countries during the visit of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to Jakarta on Monday.
Stop the Energy Charter Treaty
This obscure treaty from the 1990s grants sweeping rights and protections to big energy investors – mainly fossil fuel companies.
Alamos Gold’s units to file $1 bln investment treaty claim against Turkey
Miner Alamos Gold said its Netherlands units will file an investment treaty claim exceeding $1 billion against Turkey for "unfair and inequitable treatment" with its gold mining project.
Draft convention on investments abroad (Abs-Shawcross draft convention)
One of the most significant early proposals for a multilateral agreement to protect private foreign investment was launched in 1957 by groups of European business people, and lawyers.
Interview with Nicolás M. Perrone: Investment treaties and the legal imagination
The unusual status of foreign investors in international law is no accident, but rather the result of a “world-making project realized by a coalition of business leaders, bankers, and their lawyers in the 1950s and 1960s”.
Can trade work for workers?
Helping left-behind regions should be a core goal of Biden’s administration. The damage has been done, and free trade isn’t going anywhere.
How Indonesia plans to benefit from EFTA trade deal
The House of Representatives has recently approved a draft trade deal with the four-member EFTA that is expected to facilitate foreign investment and liberalize trade in goods and services, particularly commodities such as palm oil and raw metals.
RCEP faces challenges as comprehensive China-US competition takes shape: experts at Boao forum
Professor at the East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, cautioned that geopolitics now have "too much influence" on world trade, which could pose "great challenges" to the further implementation of the trade deal.