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India-Australia trade agreement gathering momentum under Morrison: Report
India is moving in to fill the vacuum left by China for Australian resources and wine, with a free-trade agreement between Canberra and New Delhi gathering momentum.
Suriname signs CARIFORUM-UK EPA
Suriname joined the UK and 13 other CARIFORUM States that have already signed the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
Cairn wants India to pay $1.4 bn, shareholders to seek enforcement
Cairn said its shareholders expect the use of the company’s ’strong powers of enforcement’ to recover 1.4 billion.
Indiana set to have US$95m Tanzanian claim heard
The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Dispute has advised Indiana Resources that the “Arbitral Panel” has now been formed with the first procedural hearing scheduled for the 22nd of April 2021.
Austria reaffirms its veto of the trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur
Austria reaffirmed its veto of the trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur, and asked Portugal to avoid any “possible attempt” to the pact enters into force in its current form.
Can an Australia–India FTA succeed where RCEP failed?
Having secured free trade agreements (FTAs) with almost all key trading partners, Australia is honing in on a long elusive but lucrative market — India. Tensions with China, the need to find new sources of economic growth and government policy to diversify trading partners are pushing Australia into India’s arms.
China has officially ratified RCEP deal: commerce minister
The Chinese government has officially ratified the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao said Monday.
Swiss free trade deal with Indonesia narrowly survives referendum
Voters in Switzerland have given the green light to a free trade deal with Indonesia with a small majority of 51.6%.
Germany to pay nuclear operators 2.6 billion euros for plant closures
Vattenfall will get 1.606 billion euros and agreed to end pursuing a separate damages claim in the World Bank’s ICSID arbitration tribunal.
Legality of the Energy Charter Treaty questioned
In his opinion on March 3, the Advocate General shed some light on this question by arguing that ISDS in intra-EU disputes is indeed not allowed under EU law.
Trade agreements like NAFTA are a menace to democracy
Free-trade agreements enable companies to sue governments if they interfere with profit-making activities, no matter how destructive. These trade deals put us in an antidemocratic straitjacket — it’s time we got rid of them.
Wheat growers eye Indonesian trade talks
The wheat sector is excited about the prospect of Canada entering into trade agreement negotiations with Indonesia.
EU lawmakers stall vote to ratify EU-UK trade deal in protest
The European Parliament abandoned its plan to set a date for voting on the EU-UK trade deal, in protest at what the European Union sees as Britain’s unlawful changes to Northern Irish Brexit arrangements.
China wants to boost trade with US allies, no mention of US deal
China stands ready to work with other countries to achieve mutual benefits on the basis of greater mutual opening,” Premier Li Keqiang said.
Palm oil row fuels Swiss vote on Indonesia trade deal
Switzerland votes Sunday on a free trade deal with Indonesia but the agreement, which opens up a vast potential market, could slip up over the issue of palm oil imports.
EFTA insists on the UPOV clause in negotiating mandates for free trade agreements (FTAs)
EFTA’s response to the June 2020 open letter, supported by 250 organisations from around the world, is disappointing. EFTA maintains the UPOV 91 requirement in FTAs. The right to seeds therefore remains under pressure.
Kenya urged not backslide on plastics regulation as FTA negotiations resume
The US-Kenya free trade talks should not be used as a justification to undermine Kenya’s efforts to regulate the use of single-use plastics, says Greenpeace Africa.
Political commitments not enough to ratify EU-Mercosur deal, says French minister
Mere “political commitments” will not be enough to ratify the agreement between the European Union and Mercosur countries, a French cabinet minister said.
EU vows legal response as UK moves unilaterally on Northern Ireland
The European Union promised legal action after the British government unilaterally extended a grace period for checks on food imports to Northern Ireland, a move Brussels said violated terms of Britain’s divorce deal.
A Canadian view on Ceta trade deal
Ireland should do the right thing for both Irish and Canadians and reject this trade agreement.