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‘Clear risk’ UK joining Pacific trade deal will raise drug prices for NHS
There is evidence of a potential conflict between the CPTPP and the UK’s current system of market authorisation of generic and biosimilar drugs.
Bangladesh for early conclusion of inclusive PTA with Indonesia
Bangladesh has stressed the importance of an early conclusion of bilateral Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) with Indonesia by making it inclusive and mutually beneficial.
Reject the RCEP trade agreement
The RCEP agreement was finalized without consulting agri-fisheries stakeholders, many of whom are directly affected by the treaty’s trade rules and concessions
UAE free trade talks with India and Indonesia going well, minister says
Free trade talks between the United Arab Emirates and India and Indonesia, are making good progress, the Gulf state’s trade minister says.
India, UK may finalize a full FTA without an early harvest
India may not insist on a two-stage trade deal with the UK—an early harvest arrangement followed by a comprehensive pact if all issues are adequately addressed.
Vietnam, Israel look toward bilateral FTA next year
Negotiations on a free trade agreement between Vietnam and Israel are in the final stage which will create a new breakthrough for bilateral ties. The Israeli side is urging agencies concerned to complete the talks this year and look to sign the deal next year.
Int’l ruling prevents Egypt from paying $30M in compensation to Bahraini company
The arbitral tribunal rejected the requesting company’s request to compensate it in the amount of $29.3 million in addition to the accrued interests.
Tentative plans to sign CIS free trade in services agreement in May 2022
The agreement on free trade in services in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) may be signed in May 2022, said CIS Executive Secretary Sergei Lebedev.
Facing election, France urges EU caution on trade deals
France urged EU partners on Thursday to proceed more firmly and cautiously with trade negotiations, while denying it was blocking the conclusion of any deal before its presidential election in April.
How the Mercosur deal’s ethanol boost contradicts EU green promises
While the EU maintains that ethanol has a role to play in Europe’s shift to clean transport, the production of ethanol is damaging the environment and hurting local communities in South America.
Governments risk ’trillions’ in fossil fuel climate litigation
Governments which enact climate legislation risk being sued for trillions of dollars by fossil fuel companies seeking compensation for lost revenue and stranded assets.
India-US digital trade is going through a bad patch. USTR Tai’s visit can begin fixing it
US Ambassador Katherine Tai will hold talks with India Minister for Trade and Commerce on digital trade.
India, Australia negotiations on interim FTA speed up as Dec deadline approaches
India and Australia are on track so far for signing an interim free trade agreement (FTA) next month with officials from both sides engaged in exchanging lists of demands and offers in the goods, services and investments sectors, a source has said.
Agriculture interest groups declare opposition to RCEP
Farmers, nongovernment organizations, and some members of the private sector said they oppose the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement.
New-gen issues in India’s line of sight as it eyes trade deals
As India goes into firming up trade deals with developed nations like Australia, the UK and the regional bloc, and the EU, it will have to be well prepared to negotiate on new-generation issues, such as data protection regulation, e-commerce, and environment.
Why is Taiwan using APEC to lobby to join the CPTPP trade pact?
When Taiwan aimed to join the first incarnation of the CPTPP, the US-led Trans Pacific Partnership, it garnered little support due to concerns about China.
Xi Jinping, speaking at APEC, pledges market reforms in bid to join Asia-Pacific trade bloc
President Xi Jinping on Thursday pledged a raft of economic reforms as part of China’s efforts to join a Pacific Rim trade pact abandoned four years ago by the US and warned against efforts to “draw ideological lines” in the Asia-Pacific region.
SACU, EFTA continue negotiations on expanded Free Trade Agreement
Senior officials and experts from the Southern African Customs Union and the European Free Trade Association Member States met through videoconference on 3 and 4 November 2021 to continue their negotiations on an updated and expanded Free Trade Agreement.
UAE signs historic business pact with Jersey
The UAE signed a historic investment pact with Jersey to “help facilitate” financial flows between the two and offer investors “better protection”.
China’s bid to join CPTPP: Neither serious nor sincere
Joining the pact is a smart move for Beijing, but will it abide by the rules?