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Human rights have no place in Swiss-Chinese trade deal
The EU and US are currently distancing themselves from China — unlike Switzerland as the country sticks to its free trade agreement with the world’s second-largest economy despite mounting domestic criticism.
EU and India agree to resume free-trade negotiations
The European Union and India agreed to resume stalled free-trade negotiations and seek closer cooperation to combat climate change at a virtual summit on Saturday.
Botswana launches revised AGOA strategy
The revised African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) National Response Strategy for Botswana remains one of the mechanisms towards economic diversification and SME sustainable development
MPs want CS Maina summoned over ’secret’ sugar importation deal
MPs drawn from the sugar belt region now want Parliament to summon Trade CS Betty Maina over what they term a ’secret’ sugar importation deal with Uganda. They said the importation will kill the local industry.
Local firms not ready for AfCFTA
Business Botswana (BB) is concerned that the benefits of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement, will not be fully exploited by local businesses.
How can Mauritius take advantage of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)?
AfCFTA provides a platform for Mauritius to contribute significantly to the new African impetus by making available to investors and businessmen an ecosystem that not only makes it easier for them to do business with Africa, but also enhances and safeguards their investments.
US return to Trans-Pacific trade deal would open large can of worms for NZ
If all the seemingly insurmountable barriers are overcome and the US decides to reactivate the original Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, would there be another groundswell of opposition? You betcha.
EU-China investment deal ’not exactly a deal’
A long-negotiated investment agreement between EU and China was more of an "intention than a deal and it could be a long time before it became a reality, an EU commissioner said.
EU to discuss FTA with India at weekend summit: top diplomat
The European Union and India are set to discuss resuming long-suspended talks on a free trade agreement at a virtual summit on Saturday, the bloc’s foreign policy chief told Nikkei.
South Korea-Israel FTA set for signing
Israel and South Korea are poised to sign a long-delayed free trade agreement (FTA) next week, sources close to the matter have informed Globes.
Blinken says US-UK free trade deal will take ‘some time’ to agree
Agreeing a post-Brexit free trade deal between Britain and the United States will take “some time”, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned.
US, China to assess Phase 1 deal soon, Biden trade chief says
US Trade Representative said she expects to engage “in the near term” with Chinese officials to assess their implementation of the “Phase 1” trade deal.
NZ and UK agree to lift pace of free trade talks
New Zealand and the United Kingdom have agreed to rapidly lift the tempo of talks, as the two countries enter a new phase in free trade negotiations.
Merkel wants Europe, United States to aim for new trade deal
A trade agreement between the United States and the European Union would "make a lot of sense", German Chancellor Angela Merkel said.
Lobbying for globalization: How the winners dominate the politics of trade agreements
Analysis shows that lobbying on FTAs has been dominated by a few very large firms, which experience large gains as a result of the entry into force of these agreements.
EFTA-Mercosur: another low blow to climate, peoples’ rights and food sovereignty
Emissions from increased bilateral trade in 10 farm products are expected to go up by 15%, compared to 2019, if the EFTA-Mercosur free trade agreement is implemented.
First Japan investment treaty claim renewable energy disputes in Asia
In order to mitigate host state risk, foreign investors should consider the importance of investment treaty protection.
Panthera Resources allows term sheet with Galaxy to lapse
The firm said its efforts were focused on pursuing its legal rights in India, and working with Fasken in preparation for a potential international arbitration under the Australia-India Bilateral Investment Treaty.
EU turns from China to India on free trade
The EU is suspending plans for a trade deal with China, while reviving those for a pact with India, in a dispute on Chinese human-rights abuses.