South China Morning Post
Wang pledged to support Hong Kong in joining “as soon as possible” the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the world’s biggest free-trade deal covering China and 14 other nations in the Asia-Pacific region.
Interview with Lora Verheecke, a researcher specialising in trade and lobbying.
Counter Punch
More and more US transnationals have opened up in Mexico over the past few decades, taking advantage of unfair trade agreements, super-exploitative labor conditions, and cheap utilities.
The Independent
The UK is on the brink of signing a trade agreement with New Zealand which is expected to mirror Britain’s controversial deal with Australia over agricultural imports.
Financial Express
Under a free trade agreement, two trading partners reduce or eliminate customs duties on the maximum number of goods traded between them.
Yonhap News Agency
South Korea said it has launched a new round of negotiations to clinch a free trade agreement with Mercosur, South America’s leading trading bloc, as it aims to further expand its export portfolio.
The Economist
There is a sense of drift in Africa’s trade relations with the West, as both America and Europe rethink how they do business with the continent. The old approach was paternalistic and gave Africans little say. But the new one, handled badly, could put Africa’s own integration at risk.
Foreign Policy
AfCFTA was supposed to usher in a new era of continental trade and economic growth—but Beijing’s not letting that happen.