Energy Charter
Nigeria has completed all three of its accession reports but the Energy Charter Conference placed restrictions on ECT accession finalization procedures, placing Nigeria’s accession path into a state of pause.
South China Morning Post
In this competition over standards, whichever nation first strikes a trilateral deal with technology leaders Japan and South Korea will secure a strategic chokepoint in the digital architecture of Asia.
The Jerusalem Post
Israel plans to open an economic attaché office in Abu Dhabi to attract foreign investment and boost economic relations with Gulf states and the broader Arab world
Global Arbitration News
The BIT serves as a prime modern example of investment treaties which seek to rebalance the distribution of rights between host States and investors.
The teams at GRAIN and bilaterals.org are extremely sad to share the news that we have lost a great comrade and friend, Aziz Choudry.
The Jerusalem Post
The tax treaty and the investment-protection agreement lay the groundwork for increasing economic cooperation.