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Antrix-Devas, BIT arbitrations, and India’s quixotic approach
At the core of this dispute is a 2005 agreement between Antrix and Devas for the lease of satellite spectrum which was annulled in 2011.
Energy Charter Treaty: time is up!
After four unsuccessful negotiation rounds, and with a fifth round starting this week that does not bring any silver linings in terms of outcome, the time has come for the EU and its member states to leave the ECT.
Final UK FTA talks on corporate rights to sue governments alarm community groups
We call on the Australian Government to exclude ISDS from the Australia-UK FTA as has been done in the Australia-EU FTA and the RCEP.
TCC challenges BVI court order
The British Virgin Islands high court rejected the TCC plea for attachment of the Pakistan International Airlines assets but also imposed a $5 million cost as well as $50,000 penalty on the company.
Fears junk food regulation chilled by free trade agreements
Efforts to combat child obesity have fallen behind the pack as international free-trade agreements threaten to put a “chill” on junk food regulations, experts say.
Alarm at secret court scheme in UK-Australia trade deal
Campaigners concerned by controversial plans for tribunals where firms can seek compensation for effect of government policies.
The Cairn $1.4 billion award is patently illegal
The arbitral award has condoned the tax avoidance scheme adopted by Cairn Energy.
In memory of Heesob Nam, a patent attorney who fought against vaccine inequality until the end
Heesob Nam, a patent attorney who dedicated his life to preventing the monopoly of ’intellectual property’ by a few, passed away on May 10th.
Experts urge selective protectionism as FTA with Malaysia returns to table
As a free trade agreement (FTA) with Malaysia returns to the table, experts fear local companies could lose business to Malaysian ones if duty-free market access is given in sectors where the latter has a competitive advantage.
Taiwan calls on Australia to restart free trade agreement talks
Taiwan wants the Australian government to resume free trade agreement talks after they were halted several times from pressure by Beijing.
Africa will fail to reach free-trade goals without new rules and infrastructure
Policy changes are needed to facilitate the faster and seamless flow of goods and services across borders.
African Continental Free Trade Area: A pipe dream or silver bullet?
Current realities are likely to counter the expectations that the AfCFTA is some kind of silver bullet that will transform Africa, sweeping away decades of embedded dysfunction and challenges.
Tanzanian to ratify free trade area agreement
The government of Tanzania will ratify the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) between June and October this year.
EU to open negotiations on an agreement on investment facilitation with the Republic of Angola
The Council of the European Union today adopted a decision to open negotiations in view of an agreement on investment facilitation with the Republic of Angola.
AfCFTA Secretariat establishes court to resolve trade disputes
The AfCFTA Secretariat has established a dispute settlement body, that will function as a full-court with the right mechanisms and structures in place to settle trade disputes.
Denying India its tax revenue is neo-colonialism. Cairn Energy is the new East India Company!
The perverse interplay of BITs with double taxation avoidance agreements has been bleeding India from the much-needed tax revenues.
Farmers to protest against Australia tariff-free trade deal
Fed-up farmers are preparing to stage protests over UK government plans to sign tariff-free trade deals with Australia and other countries, which they fear could lead to a flood of cheap food imports.
Court annuls billion-dollar award, finding Crimea investment was made before BIT applied
The Paris Court of Appeal has set aside a $1.1 billion award against Russia for the expropriation of the Crimean branch of Ukrainian state-owned bank Oschadbank.
Energoatom suing Russia to get compensation for assets lost in Crimea
The dispute is about the assets it lost in Crimea, including the Donuzlav wind farm, which is now located in the temporarily occupied territory.
Report on the 10th round of negotiations between the EU and Chile for the modernisation of the trade part of the EU Chile association agreement
The 10th round of negotiations for the modernisation of the trade part of the association agreement took place from 19 April to 7 May 2021.