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Draft convention on investments abroad (Abs-Shawcross draft convention)
One of the most significant early proposals for a multilateral agreement to protect private foreign investment was launched in 1957 by groups of European business people, and lawyers.
Interview with Nicolás M. Perrone: Investment treaties and the legal imagination
The unusual status of foreign investors in international law is no accident, but rather the result of a “world-making project realized by a coalition of business leaders, bankers, and their lawyers in the 1950s and 1960s”.
Can trade work for workers?
Helping left-behind regions should be a core goal of Biden’s administration. The damage has been done, and free trade isn’t going anywhere.
How Indonesia plans to benefit from EFTA trade deal
The House of Representatives has recently approved a draft trade deal with the four-member EFTA that is expected to facilitate foreign investment and liberalize trade in goods and services, particularly commodities such as palm oil and raw metals.
RCEP faces challenges as comprehensive China-US competition takes shape: experts at Boao forum
Professor at the East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, cautioned that geopolitics now have "too much influence" on world trade, which could pose "great challenges" to the further implementation of the trade deal.
Energy Charter Treaty strikes again as Uniper sues Netherlands over coal phase-out
German energy company Uniper has confirmed its intention to sue the Dutch government over the country’s planned coal phase-out.
Oil companies don’t deserve reparations for fossil fuel bans. They’ll still want them
Energy conglomerates have recourse to special courts and legal regimes that they helped design – and they won’t go down without a fight.
Arbitral Tribunal enforces EUR 3.4 million for Latvia from Ukrainian businessman Kazmin
The ICSID in the case Eugene Kazmin v. Latvia issued its Award discontinuing the arbitration and ordering the Claimant, Ukrainian citizen Kazmin, to bear the costs of the proceeding.
India-EU Porto summit to see progress on FTA
The India-EU Summit in Porto early next month could see progress on a free trade agreement and treaties on investment protection and geographical indications.
NAFTA-investor lawsuits cost Canada at least $376 million: report
NAFTA-investor lawsuits have cost Canadian taxpayers more than $376 million over the last 25 years, and could cost even more in the years ahead.
Bilateral trade with Southeast Asia explored
Canada continues to pursue a multi-lateral free trade agreement with Southeast Asian nations, and those involved with negotiations say bilateral deals in the region could lead to larger pacts.
Twenty years ago helped kill a free trade deal for the Americas
20,000 civil society activists, trade unionists and environmentalists from throughout the Americas descended on Quebec City, where an alternative peoples’ summit was held.
Iran to ink free trade agreement with Pakistan: envoy
Efforts were initiated to sign a free trade agreement between Iran and Pakistan, Iranian Consul General in Peshawar Hamid Reza Ghomi said.
A tale of two free trade negotiations
Despite a significant head start, a conclusion to the EU trade talks with New Zealand seems some way off while the UK is trumpeting its own progress.
The rise and demise of NAFTA Chapter 11
The removal of investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) from the renegotiated NAFTA was a critical victory but Canada, the US and Mexico continue to be enmeshed in an extensive web of bilateral and regional accords containing ISDS.
Growing trade ties bind India to Africa’s future
India has stepped up its global ambitions and foreign policy re-engagement with African countries in recent years. India is now the third largest export destination and the fifth largest investor on the continent.
Pathfinder Minerals estimates $621m hit from Mozambique title dispute
Mining group Pathfinder Minerals said a dispute over the ownership of a mining title in Mozambique could see it incur estimated losses of more than $621.3 million.
AfCFTA: concern over dumping mounts as trade deficit widens
The fears that Nigeria might become a dumping ground for manufactured goods, especially with the advent of the AfCFTA, has heightened as Nigeria’s Trade in Goods Statistics show rising deficit in manufactured goods trade.
Northern gatemen and geopolitics of AfCFTA
AfCFTA has materialized at a time when globalization is being used to hide all sorts of ambitions including the second empire and colonialism. AfCFTA is not just about the economy and markets, it is also a political setup from the African Union and African Development Bank.