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Economic diplomacy: Borders, barriers and obstacles
The big reshoring question is still about how much foreign investment will shift from China due to a combination of rising production costs and more fractious diplomatic relationships.
Pelosi says UK can forget US trade deal if Irish pact broken
If the UK undermines the Good Friday accord, there will be absolutely no chance of a US-UK trade agreement passing the Congress, Pelosi, the nation’s top elected Democrat, said.
Mercosur agreement a “direct contradiction” to European Green Deal
The proposed EU-Mercosur trade agreement is a “direct contradiction” to the goals of the European Green Deal, according to a new study.
Poll: Vast majority of Europeans opposed to EU-Mercosur trade deal
Consumer group SumOfUs urges the EU to call off its free trade agreement with Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay in the face of Amazon rainforest fires.
UK starts talks with all TPP members to discuss joining pact
London is trying to strengthen trade ties with Asia after Brexit.
Algeria backtracks on its free trade deal with the EU
Algeria has asked the EU to put on hold a free trade agreement that was due to be signed this year as it drags its feet on customs reforms, an EU official said.
EU nations breaking rules in bilateral trade deals with China
Fifteen EU member states have breached bloc-wide rules in agreeing bilateral commercial deals with China as part of Beijing’s ambitious belt and road initiative.
Fracking company sues Slovenia over ‘unreasonable’ environmental protections
A British oil and gas company is using a controversial energy treaty to sue Slovenia, after being required to carry out an environmental impact assessment
Ukraine hopes to start talks on revision of Association Agreement with EU in 2021
Ukraine hopes to reach an agreement to start negotiations on the revision of the Association Agreement with the European Union in 2021.
Australian mining firm launches arbitration proceedings against Poland
Australian mining firm Prairie Mining has launched international arbitration proceedings against Poland, claiming damages for the alleged hindering of the development of its two coal mines located in the country.
Confirmation of RCEP signature within the year ASEAN + 3 Foreign Ministers’ meeting
Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Mogi from Japan confirmed that they will continue to cooperate towards the signing of the East Asian Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) within the year.
Amazon, Bolsonaro, cattle: the ABC’s of destruction
The Amazon is under attack but the Canadian government plans to continue negotiating a Canada-Mercosur free trade agreement with Brazil. But you can do something about it.
Hegemony 101 in international investment law
The hegemon aspirants in international investment law have already, and perhaps unwittingly, revealed their three step manual: Disguise, dismiss, divert.
Pakistan seeking relief from $5.8B fine over mining lease
Pakistan is seeking the reversal of a $5.8 billion penalty imposed by an international tribunal for denying a mining lease to an Australian company, saying that paying the fine would hinder its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
UK must lower expectations in post-Brexit negotiations with Canada: trade experts
The UK wants an agreement like CETA or better, but it needs to understand it has less to offer since leaving the European Union.
UK plans to change Brexit rules threaten US trade deal, top Democrats say
Altering terms of withdrawal agreement on Northern Ireland could damage relations under Biden presidency.
Israel-China free-trade pact seen imminent
A free-trade agreement between Israel and China is just around the corner, after being in the works for a long time. So far, seven rounds of official meeting have been held between representatives of the two countries.
5th Angola-EU ministerial meeting - Joint way forward
The terms of Angola’s accession to the EU-SADC EPA are aimed to be finalised by 2021. Both sides confirmed their intention to start exploratory discussions on an EU-Angola investment agreement.
UAE deal paves way for South Korea FTA
The normalization with the United Arab Emirates has given fresh impetus to negotiations for a free trade agreement with South Korea, according to Globes on Tuesday.
‘Obsolete’ Energy Charter Treaty must be reformed or ditched, lawmakers say
The 1991 Energy Charter Treaty must be profoundly overhauled in order to remove all “obsolete” provisions protecting fossil fuel investments and hindering climate action, lawmakers from across Europe said.