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A new Anglo-Japanese alliance threatens China’s TPP plans
As London eyes entry into Quad, Beijing looks to New Zealand for opening.
Georgia, US seek to conclude direct free trade agreement
Georgia hopes that the free trade agreement with the US will have progress under the new US administration, said Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development.
Ukraine, EU start review of trade provisions of Association Agreement
The European Commission confirms its readiness to start the review of the trade-related provisions of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine.
New Armenia-EU agreement to enter into force on March 1
The European Union notified Armenia about the completion of the ratification process by the EU and its Member States of the Armenia-European Union Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement.
An EU-China deal for a bygone era
EU negotiators made some progress in important areas like market access, investment liberalization, and sustainable development. But can an incremental bilateral agreement like the CAI really govern economic relations with today’s China?
Thai Parliament approves Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
The parliament approved the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) which was expected to take effect this year, said Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Jurin Laksanawisit.
Norway’s youth parties call for end to China free trade talks
The youth wings of Norway’s main political parties have signed a letter calling for the country to rescind its normalization agreement with China and stop free trade negotiations due to China’s human rights violations.
An India-EU trade pact may still remain elusive
India - EU trade negotiations are likely to run into the same problems as the discussions that began on a comprehensive free trade agreement in 2007 but were aborted due to differences on movement of professionals, labour, human rights and environmental issues and other issues.
UK-Singapore free trade deal enters into force today
The UK and Singapore have since worked on the completion of the applicable legal requirements and procedures for the agreement’s entry into force February 11.
WTO plurilateral ecommerce draft consolidated text
Some WTO Members are negotiating rules on ecommerce. This is the draft consolidated text as of 14 December 2020.
WTO plurilateral ecommerce stocktake text
Some WTO Members are negotiating rules on ecommerce. This is the draft stocktake text as of August 2020.
Ghana signs long-awaited post-Brexit trade agreement with U.K.
Ghana and the U.K. have signed an interim trade agreement, one of the last bilateral deals hanging in the balance following Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union.
Can SA trust the EU’s commitment to fair trade?
All too often SA is condemned by the EU, Brazil and others for implementing necessary trade defence measures against unfair competition. But it is interesting to observe how the EU, a culprit of dumping in SA, fights to protect itself against dumping at all costs.
Regional trade pact will pave way for digital yuan
The RCEP will undoubtedly pave the way for China’s new digital yuan expansion throughout Asia.
WTO plurilateral investment facilitation draft consolidated text
Some WTO Members are negotiating rules on facilitating investment. This is the draft consolidated text as of 4 February 2021.
Boholiubov, Kolomoisky intend to file $23 mln suit against the United States with ICSID for forfeiture actions targeting their assets – media
US Optima Ventures intend to file a lawsuit against the United States seeking compensation of $23 million in response to two civil forfeiture actions targeting their assets in Louisville.
WTO plurilateral services domestic regulation disciplines draft schedules
Some WTO Members are negotiating restrictions on the ability to regulate services. These are the services sectors they are proposing the new rules would apply to.
WTO fisheries subsidies Chair’s explanatory note
All WTO Members are negotiating restrictions on fisheries subsidies. This is the Chair’s explanatory note accompanying the draft consolidated negotiating text as of 18 December 2020
Egyptian-Turkish trade agreement comes under fire
A member of the Egyptian parliament called for the need to reconsider the free trade agreement between Egypt and Turkey signed 15 years ago, claiming that it harms Egyptian interests and favors Turkish exporters.
Sri Lanka to eyes re-negotiating trade deals amid import controls
Sri Lanka has given the nod for the Ministry of Trade to examine ways of re-negotiating existing free trade agreements and enter into new ones, the government said.