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Australia eyes new trade deal with Israel, focusing on cyber security, innovation
Australia will turn its attention towards clinching a trade agreement with Israel. A similar feasibility study to scope the benefits of beginning trade negotiations with European Free Trade Association countries.
Banks agree to end action against Croatia in loan conversion dispute
Six banks have agreed not to take legal action against Croatia over its conversion of Swiss franc loans into euros in 2015 at the lenders’ expense.
EU-UK deal impacts UK’s sovereignty over Northern Ireland and island of Britain
John Bruton, the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland (1994-97) and the former European Union’s Ambassador to the United States (2004-09), writes about how the recently signed EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) impacts the sovereignty of the UK over the island of Britain and Northern Ireland, and also opines that such a deal was perhaps better than a "no-deal" scenario.
US Chamber drives for Kenya-US trade deal
The United States Chamber of Commerce has urged President Joe Biden to seal a new trade deal with Kenya, which was initiated by his predecessor Donald Trump.
Working document on the draft EU-Mercosur Association Agreement
The following avenues can be envisaged to address the concerns raised by the draft EU-Mercosur agreement.
Beijing expands Indian Ocean FTAs westward with Mauritius
China’s free trade agreement with the small island-nation of Mauritius came into effect in January, increasing the Asian powerhouse’s presence in the Indian Ocean where its regional rival India has long dominated.
How the trade deal Boris Johnson is pursuing threatens workers’ rights
The danger is that the UK Prime Minister is eager to get a deal, so he could accept whatever terms the CPTPP countries demand.
Unsustainable RCEP
If the latest flare ups over the contentious territorial issues and popular anti-China sentiments in the region are anything to go by, it seems likely that uncertainty over domestic ratification of the RCEP agreement by the signatory states would persist in the days ahead.
The EU and Canada adopt rules putting in place the CETA investment court
The EU and Canada adopted four decisions putting in place the Investment Court System provisions agreed in the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
India may offer Cairn oilfield against $1.4 billion arbitration award
For a government struggling to find revenue to boost a COVID-19 battered economy, options of appeal against the arbitration award are limited and it may not have the financial bandwidth for such a payout.
UK to apply to join free trade pact with nations on other side of world
The British government to seek to join 11-nation trans-Pacific partnership, whose nearest member is 3,000 miles away.
EAEU to set up free trade zones with Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mongolia
The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is conducting necessary work to conclude free trade agreements with Egypt, India, Indonesia, and Mongolia. In particular, EAEU plan to resume the negotiation process in the first half of the year, to hold negotiations along the tracks that they have.
AfCFTA and the economic emergence of Africa
Economists deconstruct the myth surrounding the trade agreement
Biden to focus on trade enforcement after years of Trump tariffs
President Joe Biden’s administration is setting up its trade policy to prioritize enforcement of existing commitments by the US’s partners over negotiating more deals to open new export markets.
Brunei to host the RCEP Interim Joint Committee meeting
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Interim Joint Committee is to hold a virtual meeting on 30 January 2021 and will be the first joint committee meeting since the formal signing of the RCEP agreement.
EU-India investment agreement?
The EU will be able to strike an investment deal with India, but a full-blown free trade agreement will be a much harder sell, said Portugal’s foreign minister.
British and Turkish unions want to suspend fledgling trade deal over labor concerns
UK government urged to use deal to demand Turkey ‘recognizes and respects’ labor standards.
Rush order on India signings
Cambodia and India have agreed to speed up negotiations on a number of key documents that will lead to the signing of two significant accords.
S. Korea vows to speed up trade talks with Central, South America in 2021
South Korea’s trade ministry vowed to make more progress in expanding trade pacts with counterparts from Central and South America this year, in line with its efforts to diversify its export portfolio amid the growing protectionism around the globe.