South China Morning Post
Analysts point to unrealistic goals in original deal with United States, and overall trade goals may continue to remain elusive in this year.
East Asia Forum
Negotiations on the Australia–India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) are set to restart after being suspended in 2015. Australia’s new Minister for Trade Dan Tehan has flagged that a trade deal with India will be one of his top priorities.
The Western Producer
Canada is exploring the merits of a trade agreement with Indonesia. International Trade Minister Mary Ng announced Jan. 11 that Canada was beginning public consultations.
Business World
A recently signed 15-country trade deal may not significantly benefit the Philippine economy and instead expose its lack of competitiveness in manufacturing, a senior equities research executive for Regis Partners said.
European Commission
Finance Uncovered
The battle between ConocoPhillips and Vietnam result could mark a significant shift in the way huge multinationals fight off the threat of taxes from desperate revenue authorities in developing countries.
Club of Mozambique
An economist at the Centre for Public Integrity (CIP) argues that Mozambique is not in a position, in the short-to-medium term, to ratify the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA).