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Mine de Crystallex : un juge américain ouvre la voie à la vente d’actions de Citgo
Un juge américain a estimé que le processus de la vente d’actions de Citgo, filiale aux États-Unis de la compagnie pétrolière d’État vénézuélienne PDVSA, pour le dédommagement de Crystallex, pouvait débuter.
UK free to make trade deals with genocidal regimes after Commons vote
The government has narrowly defeated a move requiring the government to reconsider any trade deal with a country found by the high court to be committing genocide.
EU-China investment deal lacks teeth on forced labor but could still be derailed
Potential gains not worth cost of overlooking ’blatant human rights violations’ in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet, and against Taiwan’: French senator
Government of Canada takes next step in compensating Canada’s dairy farmers
The compensation is valued at $1.75 billion to dairy producers for the market access concessions made under CETA and the CPTPP.
Turkey ratifies free trade deal with Azerbaijan
Turkey ratified the free trade agreement with Azerbaijan, according to a notice issued in the Official Gazette.
US attacks Australia’s ’extraordinary’ plan to make Google and Facebook pay for news
The US has said the proposed legislation could run counter to the US-Australia free trade agreement.
Kenya gears for third round talks on US trade deal
Trade and Industrialization Cabinet Secretary Betty Maina says the country is ready to return to the negotiating table once the new administration in the US settles.
Canada scrambles to salvage Keystone XL as Biden prepares to kill troubled pipeline project
Alberta believes there was a “very solid” legal basis to seek damages under international free trade agreements if the pipeline is effectively killed, said Alberta Premier
Alternative trade for the planet
Tackling the climate and environmental crises is more urgent than ever and global momentum to do so is building rapidly. Yet international trade law lags behind and threatens to choke off serious action.
Georgia update - serving a notice of dispute
Star Phoenix Group Ltd has formally notified the government of Georgia of the existence of an investment dispute under the Energy Charter Treaty.
Mining operations – Submission of request for international arbitration to Chinese government
AsiaPhos has been in discussion with the Chinese Government (since November 2017) for a settlement in relation to the cessation of the mining activities because of the Panda Park.
TNCs reviving TPP Frankenstein
Corporate globalisation and Covid-19 should also have taught developing countries that they must reject FTAs strengthening IPRs, ISDS and TNCs in order to secure policy space to ’build back better’.
Taipei seeks to persuade Europeans for BIA talks
The government is stepping up efforts to persuade European countries to start bilateral investment agreement talks with Taiwan, as the conditions are ripe, Minister said
Antrix case: Devas moves US court to enforce The Hague arbitration award
The petition, filed by three investment firms related to Devas, argues that the award can be enforced in the US because India is a signatory to the New York Convention.
CPTPP a chance for China to further integrate into Asia-Pacific
If both the US and China join the CPTPP, and it becomes the world’s largest free trade agreement, then the RCEP would recede in significance. CPTPP, comprising both the US and China, sensing more economic benefits in committing to the RCEP.
Dhaka, Delhi conducting study to sign trade deal
Dhaka and New Delhi are preparing a joint study report to sign a comprehensive economic partnership agreement (CEPA) to boost bilateral trade and investment once Bangladesh becomes a developing nation.
China to greenlight RCEP in six months
China will complete the necessary domestic approval procedures for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement within six months, the Ministry of Commerce said.
Dispute over palm oil: Agreement with Indonesia breaks new ground
Only implementation can show what the palm oil agreement with Indonesia is worth, says trade expert Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi.
Cross-border data exchange: Regulatory options in international collaboration
German industry group BDI wants the EU to ban localization requirements and other limits to the free flow of data across borders.