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Focus on: TTIP, food & farming

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EU-US engagement on regulatory issues
Leaked from the European Commission
EU trade chief says US talks will not include agriculture
The European Commission is preparing two mandates: one to cover removal of tariffs on industrial goods and another on areas of possible regulatory cooperation in areas such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices and cyber security.
US to seek comprehensive agriculture access in EU trade talks
The United States signalled it would not bow to the European Union’s request to keep agriculture out of planned US-EU trade talks.
US soy for producing biofuels, an ‘unsustainable’ giveaway to Trump
The European Commission is set to authorise imports of soybeans from the US to produce biofuels. Soy has a comparably bad environmental impact as palm oil, say experts.
Trumped-up: EU-US trade deal spells climate disaster
The EU now imports 112 percent more US soy than a year ago, flooding the market to feed EU factory farms. Bad news for animal welfare, bad news for the environment.
US-EU trade talks unacceptable without agriculture, US House members say
A bipartisan group of 114 US House members sent a letter to the US Trade Representative, urging him to “insist on the inclusion of agricultural products" in trade talks with the European Union.
Food standards on the menu at US-EU talks
The US negotiating objectives clearly intend to cover agriculture broadly. One of the trade negotiation mandates adopted by the EU addresses domestic regulatory changes which does not exclude agriculture.
Why the new US-EU trade talks may be doomed before they even start
That’s in part because of a long-running catch 22: the US won’t contemplate a deal that doesn’t include agricultural goods, and the EU, keen to protect its own farmers and maintain food standards, refuses to allow a deal that does include them.
US-EU trade negotiations in stalemate, Malmström says
The US is not ready to negotiate unless agriculture products are included in the agreement. But agriculture “is a red line for us,” EU’s trade chief said.
Trump announces agreement on beef trade with EU
The EU has agreed to increase the quota allocated to US beef exporters to 35,000 tonnes a year. The total quota of non-hormone-beef permitted to enter the EU market will remain unchanged at 45,000 tonnes.